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  • suicide

    I am 15 years old. I live in a group home away from my parents. The other day my mom and dad where both coming over for a meeting and I wanted to get a shower. Im on 1-1(staff must be able to see me at all times) so They told me I couldn't shower unless one of the staff was outside the door. I said no thats not happening at first but then I thought about it and realized i NEEDED a shower so i got in. As i got in they told me that I could only be in there for 10 minutes and when the timer went off i had to get out. I got my shower and went downstairs to where my parents where waiting in the office so we could start the meeting. 5 minutes into the meeting my dad said " your on 1-1 and that is your fault, all you have to do is give up the blade you have and you can do things you want to do." i was expecting my mom to back me up but she didn't she just sat there. I excused myself from the meeting and went out into the living room to calm down. After i calmed down i was not planning on going back to the meeting but one of the staff talked me into it. I went back to the meeting and we finished. As my mom left she said something to me, she said " Im going to give you a piece of advice just turn in the blade and you will be ok its simple." I said ok so that there was no problem before she left Everyday staff ask to be left alone when they first walk in the door so that they can get settled in. I follow it and i leave them alone but when i get home they pester me and dont leave me alone even though i tell them that i need a few minutes to settle down as well. I am always getting yelled at an i dont know what to do. Im done with it and i am thinking about ending my life so that i can be free and everyone else can be happy with out me.

  • #2
    I'm sorry to hear that you are going through so much right now and feel like everyone would be better off without you. I agree that you are in a difficult situation, but hurting yourself in any way, including suicide is never an option. I'm not exactly why you are allowed to have a blade in the group home in the first place, so I cannot say that I disagree with your parents in that way. If you're having thoughts of hurting yourself, a blade probably isn't the best thing for you to have in your possession. As far as the staff goes, it's nice that you follow their requests and give them time to settle in when you get home, I'm not sure exactly what you mean by they pester you. Group homes do have rules and employees do need to make sure everyone is following them, which I guess can seem like pestering to the person being told what to do. Maybe you can have a conversation with the staff and let them know what they do that you consider "pestering" and maybe they can explain what they are doing or recognize the behavior and stop doing it. In any case, suicide is not an answer and I'm sure the people that you think would be happy without you would actually be quite miserable without you. If these thoughts continue, let a counselor at your group home know and/or call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-TALK.


    • #3
      Hey, so recently my parents took away the only person who prevented me from committing suicide, ever since that started I've been cutting myself a few times everyday to relive stress, but sometimes my blades dull and there's nothing I can do and i get angry. I've tried killing myself twice. Both in the bathroom, I tried drowning. I struggle with severe anxiety, depression, and paranoia. And i'm never happy on the inside, I'm always so empty. But no one seems to notice, and that's why I'm writing it here. But it's hard because no one listens to me, mainly because I'm very young
      "Oh It's just hormones"
      And I'm struggling with an eating disorder, I've been recovering for 3 years, and I've been extremely self-conscious about my body image. My parent's say they want me to be happy, but they took away my only stress reviler. I'm also struggling to come out to my mom about being transgender and pan-sexual. I've had three therapists before, either they didn't do anything, I was afraid to tell them anything, or they were to neglecting. My parents are considering getting me another one; but I already had a stress reliever.. And he never neglected me, he accepted me for who I was and helped me through some major stuff. I did the same with him, heck; we even got together personally. But it seems all my parents want is more stress and anxiety for me. No one ever takes me seriously because I'm only twelve. And no one ever wanted to help me the way he did.


      • #4
        I think that I wanna kill myself, I tried drowning myself twice tonight, and honestly I just can't take it anymore. I cut a heart on my wrist where I was saving room from all the other ones. My parents made me break up with the only person who could have ever prevented me from murdering myself.
        Right now?
        My life is worthless.


        • #5
          Please reach out for help immediately. This is very serious. Absolutely nothing is worth losing your life over. Please call or text us here at the 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline. We are here 24/7 at 888-222-2228.


          • #6
            Im 12 years old and I live in a small town my parents don't know the I'm dating someone and I don't want them to know because he is the one who really stops me from hurting myself or killing myself because I really love him.


            • #7
              Hello I'm 12 years old and I live in a small town. I didn't tell my mom that I have a boyfriend and I don't want her to find out because he is really the only one who stops me from hurting myself. One night I was going to jump off of my roof but then I remembered Tyler (my boyfriend) and I stopped myself. I told my best friend about this and she said that I should probably go get some help. Also my friend was in health and they were talking about Mental problems and all of the symptoms. I looked at them and I have 8 out of 10 of the most common symptoms. So I am a little scared that I have a mental illness but I doubt it.


              • #8
                It's great that you've reached out for help and you're friend is probably right, if you're considering suicide and jumping off a roof you would probably benefit from mental health therapy just to make sure you are ok. Try not to think of it as having a mental illness (if that is what it turns out to be), but think more about getting help for the thoughts that are making you think jumping off a roof is a reasonable solution. One place to start is the Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-TALK. If you're ever feeling like that again, you can give them a call and talk to them about what you are going through. More long term you might want to speak with your parents about some form of therapy, if you struggle with talking to your parents, you can talk to your counselor at school and see if they have any recommendations for you for local therapists. Thanks for reaching out and call or text us anytime at 888-222-2228.


                • #9
                  Just now my dad started to yell at me and call me curse words for no reason. I feel like everyone has been upset with me today and I don't know why? I really feel like everyone will benefit if I wasn't here. I just want to die. I need someone to talk to. and none of my friends or my boyfriend is around. plz help.


                  • #10
                    I feel worthless. I don't want to be here anyone. I just want to die. I feel lonely and scared in this huge world. I only have 2 special people in my life and I just got new that they died from a car crash. what purpose do I have in this world. I officially have no one.


                    • #11
                      If you feel that you are going to hurt yourself please go to your local ER or call 911, someone can help you immediately. You can also call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273- 8255 or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741741. You can also call or text us at 888-222-2228 anytime we are here 24/7.


                      • #12
                        I.. I just don't know anymore.


                        • #13
                          If you need to reach out to 2NDFLOOR to discuss anything we are available 24/7. Our phone number is 888-222-2228.


                          • #14
                            you see there are just certain things I just can't talk about to other people when they can see my face but when I am behind a screen no one can tell me i'm ugly or fucked up and they don't actually know me. I just can't deal with certain things. My cousin has cancer and She is basically my sister and she loves me and what feels like the only one who tries to understand me. My fiancee broke off the engagement and I'm only 16. I loved him and I can't think right or even feel like i can breathe without my chest hurting I am dying and hating everyone because quite frankly I think they are just going to hurt me like everyone else has. I hurt and bleed and cry and be happy just like everyone else but apparently thats not good enough for some people. I am dying on the inside and no one seems to see. I am normally an open book but I guess my pages are closing one by one.


                            • #15
                              If you feel that you are going to hurt yourself please go to your local ER or call 911, someone can help you immediately. You can also call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273- 8255 or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741741. You can also call or text us at 888-222-2228 anytime we are here 24/7.


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