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  • Depressed?

    I just feel really sad. I don't know if I'm depressed honestly. Maybe I'm just hitting a rough patch in my life? I always feel really upset and worthless and unsure about life lately. I feel like everyone's too busy for me and I'll never find a guy that likes me and I'm not good enough to get into the university I would love to get into. Track used to be my life, but lately I guess I kind of hate it but I think that was because I had to balance school work, student council and theatre with it but I really don't know. When I'm with others, I'm fine. Laughing and everything, being a regular teenager but then it's like when I'm alone in my room, I break down and just cry about everything and tell myself how much I hate me. I've talked to my best friend about it. She helps a lot. And my close guy friend is great but lately he's been on my case asking about the scars on my arm and why I've been so moody lately and if I'm okay. A few days ago I was with him and just started randomly crying. I don't know why. He was just so understanding about it and bought me a milkshake and drove me home and just stayed with me until he thought I was okay. I know he cares about me and just wants to help but it's like . . . I want help . . . But I don't. I know that probably sounded so stupid but I honestly don't even know anymore. I just don't want people to look at me differently. I don't really get out much. I've been invited to so many parties but made up an excuse for each one and I don't know why. I just don't feel like leaving my room. I've tried talking to my parents. They ask me what stresses me out and my simple reply is "school" and they say "No! You're so involved! You love school!" They just don't get it. I know it's Summer and I know so many people have it worse but is it so wrong that I just want to be happy? True happiness. No facades. I want to reach out to a professional and honestly get checked out and see if there's something wrong with me but how do I tell my parents? They would get angry or would say I should talk to them instead of a therapist because they're my parents. I truly want to get help. I've been feeling like this for two years. I'm not suicidal I just really want to get better.

    (Sorry I know this is really long but I seriously appreciate you guys so much at 2nd Floor❤)

  • #2
    Only you can determine when something doesn't feel "right" for you. If you think that this is starting to overwhelm you or that it has come to a point where your need to ask for help, then it is important to do so. Sometimes it is really difficult to ask for help. It sounds like you do really want to reach out for help, but are having a hard time trying to figure out how to do so. It seems like you have close friends who are supportive, good listeners, and really care about your well-being. Perhaps you can ask for advice with them, or even have them with you when you do decide to talk to your parents. Another approach may just be to be open and honest with them. Maybe you can plan out what you want to say ahead of time. You can even suggest having them come to the therapist with you at first. And remember to call 2NDFLOOR anytime at 888-222-2228 to talk. We are here 24/7!


    • #3
      You sound just like me...

      You sound just like me, especially last year. I had a really rough first half the year grade wise,(sophmore year), I was disorganized and overcomitted with track and i didnt think I would be able to get into a good college. The second half the year, I got really depressed, Im also on the track team, try to go to guidance at school and stuff. I'm now a junior, and many of the schools I want to apply to, my college advisor thinks i wont be able to get into. The end of the school year (sophmore year), just turned into a viscious stress cycle, the summer helped me a lot though, you kind of just have to go from where you are and do your best, it helps to go out and hang out with friends. You need ways to destress. If you are actually on this and read this, can you respond to me, I can give you my e-mail, if you need anymore help, i kind of need help with guy troubles, and no one has responded to my post yet lol.


      • #4
        It is so kind of you to share you past experiences! Thank you so much for offering support and providing some helpful resources! Please call 2NDFLOOR anytime at 888-222-2228 for more help. We are here 24/7!


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