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Family Problems

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  • Family Problems

    Family problems
    I cant deal with my parent arguing because it breaks my heart.I cant deal with this pain anymore because everytime me and my sisters have a father and daughter day my mom wants to know everything.About two years ago my mom thought that he was armed with weapons and was going to hurt us.My family members said that she was paranoid.I was really heartbroken when she was taken into a mental hostipal.I wasn't able to see her for about a year.That when my grades started to flunk.Even today they constanly fight and he sometimes screams at me and my sisters.My mom said that he was like this before I was even born.I always go to school and pretend everything is okay but its not.I just write down all of my thoughts into a journal because it lets me express my feelings.I dont know what to do?! Its going to get worse because he always gets drunk and says some crazy things.This just all brings my mood down and now I feel like I am depressed.I dont know how I could help there relationship or myself.My mom says that he's cheating on her just because he's always working.(I dont believe it).I feel like my family is ripping apart and I cant do anything about it.I had also have been having thoughts of harming.But I never do harm.It just comes to mind when i get really stressed out and depressed.There are good days and bad days too. I need advice

  • #2
    It took a lot of courage to reach out to 2NDFLOOR so you should be proud of yourself. I have to start by saying if you are feeling like you want to hurt yourself please call 911 or go to your local emergency room. Someone there can help immediately. I’m sorry to hear that you’re upset, you have been dealing with a lot for a while it seems and it is not your responsibility to get your family together peacefully. I know that might not be what you want to hear because you love your family, but it is very unhealthy how your parents are behaving. Do you have a good friend or relative you trust that you can visit when they start fighting too much or drinking? Can you talk to your mom about how you feel calmly? Maybe a third party can help. Did you guys ever try family counseling? You could ask your guidance counselor for local numbers near you. I know all of this must be frustrating for you but you can't control other people's behaviors and as much as you want them to stop arguing you cannot make them, but you need to take care of yourself emotionally!! Talk to your guidance counselor before school is over to vent, talk to a trusted friend or relative, stay active, and maybe start journaling your feelings so you have an outlet. If you would like to talk about this further please call us at the 2NDFLOOR at 888-222-2228 anytime, we are here 24/7. You can also text us daily at this number between 4pm and 8pm. Keep your head up!!


    • #3

      Well I wrote that a while ago and it kinda helped.They dont yell alot.They dont even look at each other.They promised thye would stop fighting after i had a breakdown.Now in school im a loner.i have no friends,i always sit alone at lunch.I feel like im getting depressed because of how hard school has been on me


      • #4
        I'm sorry that school has still been difficult for you. What is it about school that has been so hard? Were you better able to socialize at some point? If you haven't already I would speak to one or both of your parents about how you are feeling. Let them know that you are feeling depressed even after they've stopped fighting. I know watching their relationship can be upsetting but it's time to focus on you and your well being. Ask them if you can speak to a counselor or therapist. This can help you to start addressing the depression. This is not something that you should go through alone or have to. If you want to talk more call/text 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline 24/7 at 888-222-2228.


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