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Ready to do it

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  • Ready to do it

    Well I am ready to have sex. But it isn't my first time. My first time was back in December. I had just turned 18in the beginning of the
    week. He is a freshman this year. He hasn't told anybody. I just don't want to go to jail for it. Now I want to do it again. With another freshman. But he is suppose to be a sophomore. He got held back. But I want to do it. We were going to do it today in our school. In the auditorium. I had to cancel because I have to babysit to night. We might do it on Thursday. We were/are going to do it after school. I don't know what to do. I want to but I don't want to. What should I do.

  • #2
    This is a tough situation. The legal age of consent in New Jersey for sex is 16. That means that the individual that you have had sex with, as well as the one you are planning to have sex with are not legally able to consent, which means that you can legally be held accountable. It would be helpful to check into all of the laws and gather information. Try talking to an adult that you trust for help. Check out the website There is a section called "Sex in the States" which lists the laws regarding sex in every state in the US. It may be more helpful for you. Please call 2NDFLOOR anytime at 888-222-2228 for more help.


    • #3
      If you are having any doubts about engaging in sexual activity it would be wise to wait until your feelings are more clear, especially since the person you want to have sex with is under the age of 16. Sexuality is a natural part of the teenage years, but unfortunately because your sex drive is so strong when you are a teenager, you can be driven by impulse and desire rather than true feelings. This means you can end up regretting your decision, hurting yourself or the other person. Definitely look into sex etc. as well as there is some great information on both sites.


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