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  • Ftm

    I am 16 and ftm, and I've known since I was very little. But I having a lot of problems with dysphoria and I don't know what to do anymore. I'm not out yet, and I'm pre- everything. I identify as lesbian as sort of a cover, and I am not excepted for that in my house. I get kicked out a lot and it's not fun. I've become quite depressed, and I have no support other than my girlfriend, but she has a hard time dealing with it as it's not easy dealing with a dysphoric guy who has episodes multiple times a day. I used to self harm but I don't anymore, but I do have a tendency to drink away my problems. I've been trying to stay away from that though. I'm just not sure what I should do, because I am tired of waking up in the wrong body, and not being able to do anything about it.

  • #2
    It really sounds like you are having a really rough time in almost every possible area of your life, but let's look at some positive things you have going on. You have a girlfriend that cares about you (even if she struggles from time to time), you aren't using self-harm to deal with your problems and you're trying to stay away from drinking. Not being accepted by your parents is tough, especially since it leads to you getting kicked out. Continue to try to work with them and maybe at some point they will come around and accept you for the wonderful person you are. There are means out there, depending on what you are comfortable doing, to help you feel like you are "waking up in the right body." Most managements include a biological and/or psychological treatment. For further research on your part check out the following website:
    They offer resources you might find helpful, frequently asked questions by others that are or have been in a similiar situation as yourself and a provider locator. You can always call us to talk at 888-222-2228.


    • #3

      I was wondering if you could give any resources like online chat groups for trans people, I'd like to talk to someone but can't over that phone. I tried glbtnationalhelpcenter but couldn't get through to a volunteer and I don't know of any others.


      • #4
        So here are a few numbers for you so I hope you find them helpful.
        The National GLBT Talk Line at (800) 246-7743 and their hours are from 8pm-12am or their website is at
        The Trevor Project for GLBT & Questioning Teen at (866) 488-7386 or visit their webpage @ and – they are a 24hr helpline.
        Gay and Lesbian National Hotline number is (888) 843-4564 (I know you mentioned you called, but maybe it was off hours) they are there from 4pm-12am. Hitops is another great resource that you can explore and find support, the website is If you ever need to talk at any time call 2NDFLOOR @ 888-222-2228!
        Last edited by 2NDFLOOR; 07-02-2014, 06:37 AM.


        • #5

          Hey, I'm 15 and a FTM like you! I find that buying boxers or just using ace bandage to bind ONLY FOR A COUPLE MINUTES helps a lot! It really does make me feel better about myself and how I view myself. Also, just know that once you get older you'll get the body you're supposed to have and it will be so so so worth the wait.


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