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Being Outed

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  • Being Outed

    My mom checks my texts sometimes and I'm fine with that. However, a few months ago, she outed me to my dad after reading my texts. In those texts, I revealed I was afraid to come out to my dad because I wasn't sure how he would react. I had come out to my mom a year before but she forgot, so I already knew she would accept me. I'm relieved to be out of the closet, but I'm still kind of annoyed that my mother decided to out me when I was planning on doing it on my own time.

  • #2
    I get how that would be upsetting, did you try to talk to your mom about this? About boundaries and/ privacy? If you think that it will make you feel better to express your feeling than do, just know that you may or may not hear what you want. But there is nothing wrong with letting her know how that made you feel and you are right it is you who decides when to come out. Hang in there and try to read over this resource that offers some information about coming out @ You can also call them anytime at 1-866-488-7386 or text START to 678-678. If you want to talk about this or anything please text or call 2ndfloor at 888-222-2228.


    • #3
      I'm in the closet and I had told my mom a year ago. My dad is homophobi*c so I don't know how he will act when I tell him. I fear he will distance and not want to be contacted with me in any way. My parents are divorced so when I have no one to talk to, I tend to do nothing about it and It bottles up. What are some recommended things I can do with my anxiety?


      • #4
        Glad you reached out. I imagine it would be upsetting to think your dad will not accept you. When to come out to him is a personal choice so just take your time and think it over. Just know that his response may not be what you want and if you are ready then do it. Confide in a trusted person in your life too. Regardless it is okay to be you and try not to overthink that it might help with the anxiety. Like the above post, here is the resource that is helpful. If you want to chat further give us a text or call anytime at 888-222-2228.


        • #5
          Yikes. I'm sorry your father is homophobic. If you come out and he distances himself from you, he's lost a wonderful person to have in his life. I can understand it hurting, my father has said some hurtful thing sometimes but he's been better now. If you want to talk to me about your anxiety, I'd be happy to help! I feel the same way when it comes to thinking about needing to needing to come out my mom's parents at some point. By the way, this isn't to the original poster, but to the person talking about their homophobic father.


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