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so heres the dilemma...

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  • so heres the dilemma...

    so heres the dilemma:
    I am a guy. Not biologically (which really pisses me off (thanks a lot fate -_-)) but on the inside.
    The things is, I like mostly other guys. But I have had crushes on girls and a transguy too. But mostly I like other men. But, gay guys wont like me because i am biologically a girl and straight guys wont like me because I look like a guy.
    I don't know what to do. I dream about me being a guy but i also dream myself with another guy.
    I can't get gender reassignment because
    1. I'm fifteen
    2. My family already doesnt accept me
    3.Im broke and with #2, I have no one who will help pay nor help me throgh the transformation.
    So, yeah, advice would be appreciated...

  • #2
    I can imagine how challenging it must be for you to not feel accepted by your family. It also sounds like you are thinking a lot about your gender identity and who you are attracted to. Hitops is an excellent resource to turn to and their website is The website has support groups, information for LGBT community members, health information, etc. As far as you wanting surgery to have gender reassignment, you are going to have to wait until you are an adult, but that will give you more time to education yourself on this matter. There are a variety of surgeries people can have, no single surgery is the same. Try to reach out to friends or peers that you trust for support if you cannot get it at home or speak to your guidance counselor at school. Hope this has helped you some! If you ever want to call and talk 2NDFLOOR is a 24-7 helpline- 888-222-2228. There is also another resource called, The Trevor Project for GLBT & Questioning Teens @ 866-488-7386. It is also a 24-7 helpline, here are the links;,


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