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Should I come out?

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  • Should I come out?

    I'm a freshman in high school and last year I came out to my best friend as bisexual/queer. She was super supportive and the most amazing person ever about it. I'm afraid to tell anyone else in fear of judgement and stuff. I haven't told my family and it's kinda dumb because I have two moms so I'm not really expecting anything but love. I feel weird about it though because, well, I'm not sure. It just seems odd for some reason? And I also don't like being the center of attention and I know they'd make a big deal out of it (in a positive way).
    I also don't really want to be labeled as "oh it's that girl who's bisexual." I'm not sure if I should tell my other friends either. I'm know a few of them that are anti-lgbtq+ but I don't want to lose them as friends either because they're good people otherwise. And if I tell people who I think would support me, I feel like they would like accidentally tell other people and then my whole school would know.
    Should I wait to tell people? Thanks.

  • #2
    First, you do not have to come out to anyone unless you want to and are ready! It is a personal choice and it is one that you alone can only make. Perhaps it would be helpful to take a step back and not focus on labeling yourself right now. Give yourself the time to feel ready to tell others. In the meantime, you can think about the “what if” outcome, meaning what if people have an issue with what you say, how will you feel or react? I know you mentioned you think your friends would not be open to you, but remember a true friend will accept you for who you are! You also can possibly come up with a plan of how you will respond if people react negatively to you, you could even role-play what you would say with the friend you just told and see if that helps or call us we will happily try to help. Here are two resourceful links, The National GLBT Talk Line website @ or call them at 800-246-7743 & the other is The Trevor Project @ This specific section is about coming out. Hope this helped you some. If you want to talk more about this or anything else call 2NDFLOOR @ 888-222-2228 or text us.


    • #3
      I think I'm ready now but I don't really want to be labeled. I also don't want to hide anymore but I'm not sure how to come out. I always though that if I ever had a girlfriend then I would tell people that I'm dating a girl and that would be that. In reality, I'm probably not going to get a girlfriend unless people know that I'm interested in them, which would mean I would have to come out. So it's like a never ending chain/circle thing...
      Anyways, do you have any tips or suggestions that could be useful? Thanks for listening.


      • #4
        As mentioned above it is your choice who you come out to and when. If you feel you are ready to come out, then start with the people you feel you will get the most support from, perhaps your moms. Your moms may have some great ideas on how to deal with friends that won't be as supportive or understanding. If you chose to open up to them, let them know that you don't want this to be a huge deal or surround you with too much attention regarding it. When it comes to telling friends you can do something similar. Start with who you are most comfortable with. Let them know you want to be the one to tell certain people and that you would appreciate it if it's something that kept to themselves. In terms of labeling you don't have to put a label on it. You could mention that you are interested in both males and females without using a specific word. Let your family and friends know that you don't want to put a label on it. As far as judgement goes, we don't have control over other people's reactions. Unfortunately there will be some people that may not understand and who may put a label on it, but that's why you surround yourself with caring, supporting, and understanding friends/family that you have. If you want to talk more you can call/text 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline 24/7 at 888-222-2228.


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