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Sexuality and addiction

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  • Sexuality and addiction

    I am 14 years old and I have always like boys my entire life. But now I am begining to like girls as well or at least i think. I am scared. I sometime fantasize about making love to both boys and girls in my school. I dont knoe if i am really bisexual or not. i just feel so confused. I also just resantly realized that i am addicted to porn. I cant seem to help my self i feel so sick and dirty on the inside. My family is very religous and things like this are wrong to them. Please help me.

  • #2
    It's not unusual for people to feel confused during puberty, your hormones are going crazy and it's a confusing time. Being attracted to both sexes is also not unusual. You have to make the decision to act on your attractions or not. If you are not comfortable with the thought of being with a female sexually, you do not have to do it. If it is something you are comfortable with or curious about you can try it and see what you think and go from there. The bottom line with anything sexual is only doing things you are comfortable doing, when you are comfortable doing them. While it's normal to be curious about sex and pornography, it may be difficult for a 14-year-old to properly be able to handle what they are seeing. This is why the age for it is 18. You're beliefs are also what's important and being true to who you are and what you like. Most of the time these issues become clearer as you get older and you begin making decisions about who you are and what you are comfortable doing. Be patient. You can check out a website called for some thoughts from others who have experienced what you are going through. Call us anytime at 888-222-2228.


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