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  • Confused

    I'm a guy. I don't like boys but I've been confused in the past. I know I like girls now but lately I've been confused about one person. I love my best friend like a brother but I think it's grown into something more. I don't have like a crush on him I don't think but if I knew he was gay I would be for him... I'm just really confused. :-(

  • #2
    You sound confused. Many people have confusion when it comes to their sexual feelings. Sometimes things change over time and sometimes they don't. Having feelings for a best friend isn't unusual because they are people that we get along with and care about in many ways. Instead of trying to label yourself do what feels right to you. If you're interested in guys at some points, so be it, if at other times you like girls, that's fine too. You'll probably begin to cement who you are as you continue to date and experience feelings about people. You can check out the website for some ideas about how other people sorted out their sexual confusion. Just recognize you are not alone and this is not unusual. Call us anytime at 888-222-2228.


    • #3
      reply to 2NDFLOOR

      So what should I do about him? I can't decide whether to try and pursue this or not...


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