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Sexuality Crisis

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  • Sexuality Crisis

    Hi 2ndfloor. I am a 19 year old girl and have recently started dating this girl who I like. A LOT. And it's left me heartbroken in a way? Neither one of us are out to our parents. I am terrified to tell my dad that I like girls (not sure if I'm bi or lesbian but I definitely like girls) . He's religious and conservative and will occasionally make a homophobic comment, but also will sometimes be supportive of gay people? It's really confusing honestly. I have no idea if he's a safe person to come out to. I am terrified he will kick me out or stop supporting part of my college tuition. At the same time, I love my dad. We have a pretty good relationship. I hate that I have to keep this secret. I love my girlfriend. I want to be able to easily bring her up in conversation without worry like how my sister can about her boyfriend. I just want to love my girlfriend openly. I don't care to "shove it down everyone's faces", I just want to be able to be a normal couple without fear.

  • #2
    Hello. Glad you reached out. That must be hard to feel that you have to hide who you are. Coming out to anyone is a very personal experience and how and when you choose it is completely up to you. Are you able to discuss this with your girlfriend? It might be helpful to not feel like you are alone in this to talk about it, but up to you. Trevor Project offers some support and tools on coming out, at You can also call them at 866-488-7386 or text 678678 to chat about this at. Please reach out to us anytime to talk at 888-222-2228.


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