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am i crazy?

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  • am i crazy?

    I choose a school much lower ranked and easier to get into than most of the schools that I got into, because it is highly ranked in my major. However I keep second guessing my choice, mainly because the work at my school is way to easy for me, MUCH easier than high school and I feel I learned a lot more in high school than I have in college. While I love my major, it is not the highest paying field, and I keep wondering if I would be happier at a school where I actually felt challenged academically, in another school, that was higher ranking, overall. There are no better colleges for my current major, that I am allowed to go to...

  • #2
    Unfortunately I don't have the answers to those questions and I don't believe that you do either. Sometimes we second guess our decisions, we wonder if there is something better out there or if we chose another path that we would be happier. Many times we never really get that answer. We make a decision and we move forward from there. I wouldn't focus so much on the rank of your school, but on your current experiences (socially, emotionally, growth as a person) and what is important in your future . If you feel that you aren't getting the experiences you need or you feel like this will not help your future then only you can make that change. If you aren't able to make that change, then challenge yourself to something new (a new activity, club, job, etc). Just because a school is higher ranking doesn't mean that you will necessarily have a better experience then the one you are having now. Try and think about what it is that you are really looking for and then go out and get it! If you want to talk more call 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline 24/7 or text us daily 4-8PM at 888-222-2228.


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