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Weight and healthy eating

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  • Weight and healthy eating

    Ok so here's what's up. I would say I care about eating heathy and my weight. I try to only drink water and limit my sugar and unhealthy food intake. But the problem is I still feel fat. I do dance and cheerleading but I don't feel fit. I weight between 145-150 pounds while I'm 5ft-5'3 so it's not heathy. I have lost about 10-15 pounds which I'm sooo happy about but I'm not pleased. So many people say o well when I was anorexic I lost 20 pounds and it was great!! I don't want to do that though. I want to those weight in a natural heathy way because I care about my body. I have been trying so hard and I don't feel that successful. My family doesn't make an effort to eat heathy so they r all shocked/ pleased that I lost weight. Idk I just don't feel any different . So many people come up to me at school and say u look great and so many guys think I have a smoking body now but I don't see it. I still see the fat girl that I'm so afraid of becoming again. I want to those weight cleanly and not devolp a eating disorder because I know what they do to u and I don't want to be that girl. I just am asking u to possibly tell me why I feel like nothing has changed even though others think so.

  • #2
    Losing weight is a process that can take awhile. It is great that you want to lose weight in a healthy, natural way. First, it is important to understand that anorexia does not mean losing a lot of weight. Anorexia is a serious mental illness that can lead to a lot of physical complications. Second, everyone is unique and has a different body shape. If you want to lose weight, it is usually important to eat a healthy and well-balanced diet, as well as exercising regularly. If you are already doing this and not getting the results that you want, perhaps you can talk to your doctor or a nutritionist. They can lead you to the right solution for you. Also, it seems like it would be helpful to build your self-esteem. Be proud of who you are and your appearance! Consider the positive qualities that you like about yourself. Perhaps other people can see the positive, which is why they are giving you compliments. Please call 2NDFLOOR anytime at 888-222-2228 for more support!


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