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my anxiety is having anxiety

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  • my anxiety is having anxiety

    So, I want to post something on YouTube, but im nervous to be bullyed... and I dont want the people at my school or teachers to later read the comments and think that ppl dont like me. My teacher knows I have anxiety, and she says everyone likes u to reassure me, and I dont want her when she watches the video to know that people hate me and make fun of me cuz that would be really awkward for her to be proved wrong (i hope u understand what i mean). If I am made fun of, my anxieties are gonna get worse and I will later believe that im stupid and I will have stage fright and ppl who try to convince me that I am not a clumsy person will be proven wrong and I will be hated and I will appear unlikable. I want to do it to gain popularity and to become noticed. Im stuck.

  • #2
    First lets talk about your anxiety. If you suffer from anxiety talk to your parents about going to your doctor and seeing if they can help alleviate some of it for you. Do you have strategies to help when you get anxiety, like, exercise, listening to music, cooking, journaling, just venting to people you trust, etc.? Reach out for help there are people who can help you if you are struggling with major anxiety. Now about a YouTube post, if you want to do then do it, but you are right in that if you put yourself out there people are going to have opinions. Listen the only opinion that matters is what you think about yourself and people are going to think what they want no matter what you do..are you able to handle what people are going to say, good or bad? If not then maybe wait on posting something till you feel confident enough to not care. It sounds like this is giving you too much anxiety like you said so maybe just wait and don't stress yourself out about this. I hope this has help you some. If you need to talk ever, call 2NDFLOOR @ 888-222-2228, we are here 24/7 or text us any day @ 908-280-0235 from 4-8pm.


    • #3

      My parents are 100'/. clueless about my anxiety and they don't know anything about my negativity and what events led to my anxiety. If i recieve help, they will know all the things ive hid from them and that will dissapoint them and i will lose their trust cuz i dont tell them anything.Its been going on for6 yrs, im a teen girl btw. They dont understand depression or mental health or psychological aspects, so they think it is that easy to be strong and to be happy... and sometimes, im not sure if its depression or anxiety. .. maybe both. So... I cant get help cuz I dont really care about life much, I say I will live my life miserably but my parents woould know nothing and I can still make them proud (they care about my happiness more than anything, thats why they deny my sadness). I CAN tell my councelor to call my parents, but I dont want them to deny my feelings, esspecially when Im already confused about my own feelings. So... I will just embarrasse my self and look weak and look like alot of things. At the same time, I camt tell if its a disorder and I dont want to waste time for nothing. My parents will be offended knowing that they cant help me cuz I dont turn to them for problems, and they will think "oh she prefers to talk to other ppl for her problems and not us" and they follow the stigmas too


      • #4
        It could be anxiety and depression but that's only something you would find out if you had professional help, which is sounds like you do go to a counselor right now. I don't know your parents so I can't speak for them or their reactions, but you shouldn't have to go through this alone. Maybe having your counselor call them would alleviate some of this anxiety. Once they know they can be more aware of how you are feeling. They might not understand it at first, but as you said your happiness is really important to them, so I'm sure getting you help is a priority. Talking to a counselor doesn't mean that you prefer to talk to other people about your problems. It can just be nice to hear from someone who is a professional in the field, and understands where you are coming from. Do you discuss your anxiety with a counselor? Has she helped you come up with some coping skills for outside of your sessions? Another thing you could do with your counselor or talk about some different situations or ways that discussing this with your parents might go. Like I said you shouldn't have to feel like you are alone in this. People all over the world struggle with anxiety and depression. If you're not comfortable talking to your parents try to identify someone that you trust and talk about how you are feeling. If you want to talk to us more call 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline anytime at 888-222-2228 or text us 4-8PM at 908-280-0235.


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