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to the guys: deodorant reccomendations to a 13M hitting puberty?

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  • to the guys: deodorant reccomendations to a 13M hitting puberty?

    so i havent hit puberty yet so i didnt rly care abt deodorant and all that, but now (in 7th grade rn) i've been getting the more subtle hints that im going through the "THING" (oh the humanity) so i need a gud antiperspirant/deodorant that can do its job.
    to the guys that knows a certain brand that works for them, can u put them in the replies? btw im a male just for context
    also what is the diff between the 2 (antiperspirant and deodorant)
    id rly appreciate this thx

    -amarnanth - handed

  • #2
    hi there thanks for posting on 2ndfloor about your question. while you wait for responses from other users/peers; according to google: Deodorant protects against odor, while antiperspirant protects against sweat and odor. Deodorant will help keep you fresh, whereas antiperspirant also helps to control sweat, perfect if you want to avoid underarm wetness. call or text 888-222-2228 24/7 if you need to talk about this or any other subject in more depth. take care!


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