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  • depressed

    hi. uhm I am a junior in high school and this year has been the hardest year ever. I have been dealing with my anxiety issues for years now but this year I have been experiencing depression and it is so hard. I see a psychiatrist and I am on medication but I still do not feel better. It just a feeling that is always there with me. I have been actively trying so hard to shake the feeling. I have been joining band and doing things that make me happy. But my happiness never lasts long. It ends pretty fast and is overshadowed by my depression. I am really tired of it. I just got a scholarship yesterday and yet I feel like I cannot be happy for myself. I am not happy at all. I do not know what to do. My moods have been so out of wack. I see my psychiatrist on tuesday and I am looking for a therapist. I just needed to vent.

  • #2
    Sorry to hear you are struggling with this right now. The goood news is you are taking steps to help yourself. You're seeing a psychiatrist, you're taking your meds, you're doing things you enjoy and all these are great. Sometimes it can take some time for meds to kick in or for therapy to start helping. Make sure you are telling your therapist exactly what's goind on as they may want to adjust things if they aren't working in an appropriate length of time. Sometimes exercising daily can be helpful too if you aren't already doing that as well as getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night. You're still doing good things out there so you aren't letting your depression hold you back, but it can still be really frustrating. Keep up the good work and keep working toward it and someday (soon) you'll start seeing the results of the work you're putting in. Call or text us anytime at 888-222-2228.


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