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  • Overthinking

    So I have a former teacher (it's been 4 years since I graduated) who is still a mentor to me to this day and still in contact with. I saw that he has students who he's "friends" with on facebook (I was surprised to see my sister too as she was a former student as well!), and I am thinking to also be in connection through this medium. However, I am worried that it will disrupt and confuse the method of communication in the future. For example, I email him twice a year about updates and what I've been up to or professional conversations regarding my field. If I were to let's say add him on facebook, and in the future I want to directly contact him or ask to meet with him in his classroom, would it make sense to email him or message through FB? since if we're going to become FB "friends", we're already moving past the standard form/medium of professional communication which is email. I don't know if that makes sense, I hope it does. I may have to add on to this forum if clarification is needed.

  • #2
    I am glad you reached out to 2ndfloor. If he accepts you as an Facebook friend, maybe e-mail him and ask him if you can message him through Facebook. He might be comfortable with that. Since he was your former teacher I would leave it up to him. Please reach out to 2ndfloor through Message Board, text or phone if you would like ot discuss this or anything else. Our number is 888-222-2228.


    • #3
      Thank you ❤


      • #4
        He didn't respond to my request (neither accepted it or denied it) I feel wierd now 🤡🤡🤡 Like how am I supposed to continue the rapport and take it from here? I really want to stay in connection.


        • #5
          Response please?


          • #6
            Hi, I am glad you reached out to 2ndfloor. Try not to get upset that your professor didn't accept your request. There is a possibility that he didn't see the notification. If you feel comfortable just reach out through email. If you have any other questions, please reach out to 2ndfloor. We are here 24/7. You can reach us through Messageboard, text or phone. (888-222-2228)


            • #7
              Still overthinking it, can't help it. Would it be extra if I sent a Facebook follow up message? Like"" Hi XXX! Wanted to officially say "hello" on here and would love to remain in contact!"

              Please be honest


              • #8
                We cannot tell you what to do, only give advice which we did in our prior responses. Ultimately, you have to choose to do what is the right decision for you and you can use our prior advice for guidance. Good luck and hope it works out well for you!


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