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  • Stress

    Hey, so i'm just wondering something and i didn't know where to put this. so my parents were yelling at me and i passed out. Is it possible to pass out from stress, because my mom got really mad at me and started yelling at me saying i was faking and being dramatic

  • #2
    I am happy you reached out to 2ndfloor. I am sorry yu are having some troubles with your parents. Stress can do a lot of things physically and mentally. So it is a possibility that you did pass out from stress. Does this happen often? If it does, I would recommend being seen by your doctor. If you would like to discuss this or anything further, please reach out to us by message board, text or phone. Our number is 888-222-2228. Good luck!


    • #3
      Stress is a very complicated and impactful feeling in a person's life. It can have many negative effects, and it is likely that an extreme amount of stress caused you to pass out. I encourage you to practice stress-reducing strategies and processes and giving time for yourself to relax and enjoy yourself. If this becomes a recurring problem, you should speak with your parents and work together to make a safer and less stressful environment for you to live and enjoy yourself in.


      • #4
        Hi! That event definitely seemed stressful and could cause someone to faint. I think if you should talk to you mom about healthier methods of communication if this makes you feel this way. Sitting down and discussing both your feelings in a calm and healthy way is a great way to express your thoughts and keep stress levels down.


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