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Idk what to do

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  • Idk what to do

    Things aren’t going great for me recently especially and everything is just so much harder like my s*cidal thoughts are getting worse. Im not and don’t plan on acting upon any of them…for now at least but I cant promise anything abt the future. Im pretty impulsive and dont think abt things before I do them too so thats scary. I wanna talk to someone…there’s someone I trust but legally she would have to talk to my parents cuz im a minor and that would make things so much harder. I found a slight loophole where I can kinda change the story where she MIGHT not need to talk to them but idk its scary and very risky. Im trying to handle this by myself but its getting worse and im worried….

  • #2
    Thank you for writing to us. It is very brave of you to share your thoughts and feelings especially about something so serious. I am sorry you are feeling this way and can only imagine how difficult it must be. I know it could be scary to think that if you were completely honest with your feelings that they would no longer remain confidential. But there is a reason for that… to help you get the help that you need, otherwise your feelings could get worse and like you said go from having thoughts to wanting to act on them. You are not alone with both your feelings and your hesitancy to speak to someone about them. You have already taken the first step by reaching out to us for some advice. I think your next step could be talking to that person you trust…You can’t and shouldn’t have to handle this by yourself. And it does seem like you recognize that which is great. You can also give us a call or text us at the 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline. We are here 24/7 and 888-222-2228. You can talk this out more with one of our counselors and make a plan together to get the help you need in a way that you feel most comfortable. Please reach out. You matter and your life matters.


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