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  • Dissociation/derealization

    This isn’t really new. I’ve been experiencing this since December-early February bugs it’s gotten a lot worse. I don’t feel like I’m here. Like I’m real. Sometimes my vision goes blurry and shaky and my sense of touch feels delayed. Everything feels fake and fuzzy. It feels like life is a simulation and sometimes I can feel my hand going through things even though I can see it’s not. I’m not sure. This along with voices in my head and memory loss, affect my day to day life. I can’t talk to my parents about this because they’ll probably invalidate my feelings, either by saying I’m faking it or I’ll just need wait for it to go away. I also don’t want to talk to any professionals in my school because I don’t want them to see me as “different” or for them to tell my parents, only for me to probably get in trouble because I don’t trust them [my parents]. I just kinda want some help, without speaking to anyone.

  • #2
    Unfortunately what you're asking for isn't really a possibility. You're describing what sounds like it could be a mental health issue that you want to solve on your own, and unfortunately that's not typically how it works. It's like saying you have a broken arm and want to fix it on your own because you don't want your parents to know about it. Mental health issues typically need professional help just like medical issues do. If you've been dealing with it since December and it hasn't got better on it's own, it may be especially important that you get help. If you are over 16 and live in NJ you can seek mental health help without parental permission. If not, a good place to start may in fact be a school counselor. But since this is something they deal with regularly, it's unlikely they will judge you or treat you differently because of it. They may however talk to your parents if it is serious. Bottom line is you need help and there is nothing wrong with that. Call or text us anytime at 888-222-2228.


    • #3
      ive been panicking a lot lately and have been thinking about harming but i’ve been sober from it for almost two months and i don’t want everyone to be disappointed in me again. i just kinda wish i was a normal kid i guess. and ive been ticking a lot lately and it normally only happens when i’m upset, and i’ve been so alone it’s the point we’re i just look for ppl to talk to wether it’s my dog or just randomly calling my grandma. i just hate being alone but that’s all i ever am anymore, and it hurts so much to a point where i can’t handle it.


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