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  • Covid

    I just can't right now. Its been almost a year with this. My family is being very cautious so we have not really seen people, minimal outdoor contact with family. I'm in high school and my family chose the all virtual option. I tried all the suggestions – journaling, meditation, dance, music, yoga, working out, art, photography, talking to my family, the occasional facetime with friends (I'm really shy and that makes me extremely uncomfortable). It all helps temporarily but nothing is really helping that much. My family is really supportive, trying to understand how I feel. It just bothers me that the worlds still like this and there is a good chance it will never go back to the old "normal". Everyone says it will get better soon with the vaccine and everything but then they say oh, but this variant is really bad or it does not work with this, this, or this. I don't even know what I'm looking for, advice and all that, it might just be nice to get an imput anonymously.

  • #2
    It’s completely normal how you are feeling you are not alone with this. The world is experiencing a situation like no other so there definitely is going to be growing pains and unpredictable things that continue to happen. The good thing is scientists are doing their best and working hard to try and help everyone. Try to focus on the things you do have control over like your behavior and remember that things could be worse, like living in a time where there were no vaccines. At least you can stay home safe, do what you can to protect yourself which you mentioned you are and practice self help coping skills as much as you can. Things will get better but it takes time with an unknown virus. If you want to chat about this or anything text or call 2NDFLOOR at 888-222-2228.


    • #3
      i also have to stay extremely safe with everything i do because i babysit very young children and my parents are pretty old so i get it. it’s extremely frustrating and makes me anxious every time i step out the door. i want to go outside and at least take a walk but i hate going places alone and have nobody to go out with. best i could tell you is you and whom ever you feel safest and comfortable with going out plan a day outside like parks/picnics/walks stuff like that. something outside and relaxing. take a bunch of safety precautions tho like double masking and properly using gloves. it feels good to spend a day away from the people you’re stuck in the house in all day and take a breath of “fresh air”. we have to make the best of our situations. what are things you usually like to do? there’s a bunch of similar alternatives to everyday hobbies that you could do while also being safe. hope i helped and please reply if you want


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