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  • Paranoia

    Hello, I posted before about struggling mentally and about what I think is some form of paranoia. It is usually in the middle of the night and my mind will hear something and convince myself that someone is coming to kill me. Sometimes its more detailed than others but is scary and freaky. It used to only happen one every week or two. Now it happened the past 3 nights in a row (before the most was 2 in a week and not back to back). Im not getting enough sleep because of it. I told my mom once and she labelled it as a nightmare and got me a white noise machine. I don't think it is a nightmare because it feels to powerful. I mean my mind 100% believes it when rationally I know its not there.

  • #2
    Thanks for reaching out! This must be scary for you, have you ever spoken to anyone about these events besides your mom? There may be a reason behind the frequency which can be worked out with a counselor. For now perhaps try keeping to a good bedtime routine, maybe something to help you relax before your set bed time. They say using your phone right before bed can be stimulating but perhaps maybe reading a book or magazine could be helpful and distracting. If you would like to talk about this or anything else further please remember that 2NDFLOOR is available 24/7 via text or call at 1(888) 222-2228 to chat!


    • #3
      meditating is also very helpful. Try to include it as your night time routine if you have or after you've been on social media for a long time to bring your mind back to reality. Youre true reality. Remember to just breathe slow breaths. You're safe.


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