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Social media envy

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  • Social media envy

    I know this is really stupid, but it's bothering and I feel really dumb for bringing it up to people who are in my life, so I wonder what insights you can offer for me. I just happen to be envious of any social media personality success, I'm sure you've heard of Charlie D'amelio. Who becomes this famous/successful in a matter of a week? I just want to be on that level to be able to help my family financially and donate most of my money I earn. I want a platform so terribly. I feel like even if I were to begin with putting up contents, ,it's like Im so far off. How can I think in a way I dont feel inadequate?

  • #2
    Here is an article about social media and the affects on teens @ So social media is just is not your reality and it is important to understand that. Maybe spend some time in the morning writing a gratitudes list for things that are great in your life, even down to having water, a bed, food, shelter, etc. Remember someone always has it worst. Also comparing yourself to others will only create unhappiness..important to just hold your head up and be proud of who you are. If you are feeling unhappy about things then maybe try talking to a trusted adult or friend or even a counselor about how you feel. Please reach out to 2NDFLOOR at 888-222-2228 anytime by calling or texting.


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    Big Grin :D Mad :mad: Wink ;) Stick Out Tongue :p Confused :confused: Smile :) Frown :( Embarrassment :o Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) :rolleyes: Cool :cool: EEK! :eek:
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