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Is this self harm?

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    Glad you reached out to us. So you are right in saying that cutting is not a healthy behavior for coping with stress, emotions, or depression and I know you mentioned that you know this but it sounds like you are upset about something other than cutting and making it about being socially acceptable. Here is the thing, although cutting does not always lead to other self harming behavior or suicide, often times it can so it is a red flag for professionals that someone is struggling and the protocols are there to ensure safety. I know it is not always easy to here things from people that you are not that close with like a therapist but they do want to help and are there for that. Glad to hear that you have some healthy coping skills but here is a link with some more, extras definitely can't help @ https://www.adolescentselfinjuryfoun...terfly-project. Also, smoking is self harm and not a smart behavior to do and same goes with consuming food that makes you sick. There are many harmful behaviors out there. If you want to discuss this or anything please call (800) DONTCUT 366-8288 or visit for support anytime. You can call 2NFLOOR as well at 888-222-2228, we are here 24/7 by calling or texting.

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    Is this self harm?

    I cut myself, and the only reason I want to stop is because I don't want to get caught and have people in my face, not to really get better. That's the only motivation. You might say it's not a healthy coping skill, yeah no sherlock, lots of things aren't healthy but people do them anyways because they are socially acceptable, so why is cutting specifically anyone's business? I know it's because it notifies people around you you need help, but how ironic is it that they only care when they see scars? And only then, they will be concerned about the phsyical side of it and restrict you from your privacy, but not actually address your emotional pain behind it. What if I personally don't want to get helped for it, and I am not trying to die.I already have positive coping skills, and this is just an "add on".

    Yes I had a therapist, and I quit last week because I hate your protocols. They are useless and not all families are stable to be notified. I'm not about to be betrayed and taken advantage of by this broken system.

    So I wonder if smoking is considered self-harm? Or eating food that you're intolerant to?
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