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Bad Dad

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  • Bad Dad

    My dad constantly goes through my phone so I'm always careful to delete things but recently he found a nude of mine and he screenshotted it and sent it to himself. I know I'm wrong for taking the picture and posting it (it was on a private snapchat story with only a few VERY trusted people) but this feels creepy and disgusting. He did the same to my half sister when she was 16 and took pictures of her while she was in the shower. Is this illegal?

  • #2
    I am so sorry you are going through this but glad you reached out 2ndfloor. First I would recommend not taking any more pictures like that. But you are right, your dad should not have taken a screenshot as that is a form of child pornography. Is there someone you can speak to about this? I know it is an uncomfortable situation but he might be saving and sharing pictures of not only you but other minors too. It is definitely illegal. You should report this to the police. Please reach out to 2ndfloor if you would like to discuss this further. We are here to help you. Our number is 888-222-2228. You can call or text.


    • #3
      I am upset


      • #4
        Sorry to hear that you are upset. If you would like to talk about this further please text or call 2NDFLOOR at 888-222-2228. We are here 24/7.


        • #5
          I'm so sorry to hear about what you are going through, but you should be very proud that you reached out and posted on this message board. Everyone deserves to feel safe and respected in their own house, and your fathers actions definitely do not align with that. I would find someone you can talk to about this as well as continue reaching out and utilizing these services as long as you feel comfortable doing so. You can get through this!


          • #6
            I am so sorry for you, you seem to be very nice and sweet. I am a 16 year old girl and I was sexually abused by my dad for nine years. I did finally speak up two years ago and I’ve been battling in court ever since. However, I never spoke up sooner because he was the one that was raising my siblings and I and I knew that if I said something that he would be taken away and my family would suffer and fall apart. Where was my mom? She was around but my dad had been drugged her since day one so she was always dazed and drowsy and never left her room. This made it very easy for him to continuously rape me... After he was removed, my family fell apart and we were all fighting and running away and doing drugs. We had no sense of authority. But it’s been two years since then. My family is doing alright after all without him and my mother has been able to step up. I know that this is all for the best, but I can’t help but feel guilty that it’s my fault that my family fell apart. My little sister (who’s 9) didn’t have anyone to take care of her and I felt so guilty. How do I deal with this guilty feeling? I know it was right for me to finally speak up, but sometimes I wish that I let the pain be on me instead of spreading it to everyone else.


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