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How come

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    It sounds like this counselor really helped you so take that experience with you forever. Sometimes people come in and out of our life for reasons, some reasons we know and others we don't. Listen, there are ethical boundaries for teachers/counselors about relationships with students and some teachers/counselors don't push those lines ever and some make exceptions depending on the circumstances. So maybe your formal guidance counselor is not okay with pushing those boundaries and you have to respect that....however that doesn't take away from the support that she gave. Embrace the change! It's also important to practice coping skills to manage stress, pressure, anxiety, depression, etc. Learning these tools are part of life skills that will help you navigate ups and downs which are inevitable. Find what works for you and put them in to practice. Here is a link with tips for coping, I hope you try some at If you want to talk about this or anything you can call or text 2NDFLOOR at 888-222-2228.T

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    How come

    I know this is stupid. So I always struggled with that start, middle and end of a relationship with teachers because often times, I realize that some are so welcoming and go above and beyond to help long after their job is officially done, and this makes me expect the same from every supportive counselor or teacher who Ive encountered or helped me so much. I graduated high school already by the way. For instance, my former theatre teacher literally offered to go out for ice cream and catch up. Then I have this former counselor who knew far more about the intimate details of my life who didnt even want to hear an update as she thought that should go to my therapist, missing the point that its a reconnection. But even if I had an advice to ask, what is the problem with that? Again, with the theatre teacher, couple days ago, I got a callback from an agency, and asked for her theatrical advice. I wish I can do the same with that councelor to be able to ask her for advice about my emotional matter. Baffles me how some teachers/counselors are quick to throw away a built and established rapport even if its once in a while, this counselor just doesnt want to engage, and this teacher has her door open. I wish they can both switch,
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