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  • Autism

    WOW! Why does it feel like people are hiding something from me. I feel like everyone treats me like a kid when im 15 years old. The more i think about it the more i feel that i have autism. Is it possible to have autism that isnt really noticeable. what do i do??????????

  • #2
    So it sounds like you feel misunderstand or not heard and that can be very upsetting to anyone no matter the age. Have you tried expressing your feelings to whom ever you feel is not listening? That would be a starting point. Do you have anyone to vent to or stress release activities like exercise, team activity, etc. Talk to guidance about your frustrations that is what they are there for. As far as Autism, it is highly unlikely that you have that diagnosis if you have never showed any signs. If you are truly worried then again, talk to guidance and he/she can help guide you in the right direction. Also talk to your parents about how you feel and go from there. If you want to talk further about this or anything give us a call or text at 888-222-2228. We are here 24/7.


    • #3
      thanks i will be sure to talk to someone about it thanks for the help!!


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