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  • hopeless

    i just came out of partial program and i recently moved into IOP and i was doing extremely well. i took off for a vacation last week for spring break. i wish i hadnt because i feel like such a wreck right now. because we havent been in school for over a week i got anxious to go back to school and i was dreading it. last night i was up until 2 bawling my eyes out. i ended up going to school but i had a panic attack before first period. (i used to skip 1st a lot before i went into program) but my dad just took my phone because he thought i skipped, but i came in 20mins late because i was crying in the bathroom. he said he doesnt belive me and im a liar. he said he talked to my therapist today and i was going to get out of program the end this month, but i was talking about going to CRISIS and talking about suicide today. me and my dad usually get along great, but he doesnt understand what i go through and i feel really alone and i also want to get out of therapy soon

  • #2
    I'm sorry your having a rough time right now, life often can feel hopeless, but every day is an opportunity to feel better. Starting off with your Dad, you told the truth and he didn't believe you, which is sad, but unchangeable. You have to settle for you knowing that you did what was right and try not to focus on him not taking your word and calling you a liar. Have there been times where you've been dishonest with him and lost his trust? If so, maybe that's why he's struggling to believe you now. Keep being truthful and hopefully you'll earn his trust back soon. If you're still dealing with anxiety in school, why are you thinking about getting out of therapy? Especially if you're talking about suicide, you need to be in treatment, not getting out of it. Treatment is there to help with your anxiety and thoughts of suicide. Focus on getting better, not getting out. You'll be able to get out when the time is right, but it doesn't sound like from your post that now is that time. Continue to work on yourself and getting better, I know it might seem like a rough time period, but things do get better if you keep working on them. Call or text us anytime at 888-222-2228 and if you're feeling suicidal you can contact the NJ Hopeline at 855-654-6735.


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