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Im so different from everyone else

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  • Im so different from everyone else

    I am the girl that everyone says is so pretty but i dont see it at all. i get so many likes on my pictures but for what? I feel like everyone hates me. Like everyone is talking badly about me. I want to be different but people look at me like im a weirdo because of it. I cry every night at the fact that i will never get that boyfriend back. That i will never gain ALL my friends back. That i will be seen as a slut and a whore even though i did absolutely nothing with no one. I talk to guys because i dont have my dad here with me. Its so hard and no one understands and i feel so alone and i dont want to go through this anymore. This feeling of emptyness hurts so much.

  • #2
    It seems like you are trying to deal with a lot. First, it is okay to want to be different from others. Everyone is different from one another. It is what makes us all unique. Perhaps the people (friends, boyfriends, peers at school) aren't in your life anymore because they aren't the "right" people to have in your life. Sometimes friendships and relationships end, people change, as do our relationships with them. What is important is that you stay true to who you are, regardless of how others perceive you. It may be helpful to try making new friends who will understand you and listen to you. Consider some activities that you are interested in and then try joining a club or activity. These are often great ways to meet people. Also, if others are being mean to you, it would be helpful to talk to an adult or check out Call 2NDFLOOR anytime at 888-222-2228 for more help.


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