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I want to die

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  • I want to die

    Hey 2nd floor I'm in cyber school and Im falling behind my parents and I worki for a week now to get me caught up (I have adhd and add it realy stinks) it's so hard I feel like killing my self because I dont t keep being a disapionment they say Im not a disapiontment but i keep on messing up it would be easyier to die

  • #2
    Hi! Thank you for reaching out for help with this. First, suicide is never the right way to deal with a problem. If you are feeling suicidal, it is important to talk to someone that you trust, like your parents for help. There are so many resources available. School can be really tough and a lot of people struggle with it, so you are not alone! If you are struggling with school, try to find some solutions that will work for you. If you have difficulty staying focused, perhaps you can create a schedule or time-managed routine to keep you on track, and allow some breaks to regroup. Let your parents know that you are having trouble keeping up, as well. Remember, you can always reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or call 2NDFLOOR anytime to talk at 888-222-2228.


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    Big Grin :D Mad :mad: Wink ;) Stick Out Tongue :p Confused :confused: Smile :) Frown :( Embarrassment :o Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) :rolleyes: Cool :cool: EEK! :eek:
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