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I wish it could all just stop..

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  • I wish it could all just stop..

    I don't know why im upset all the time lately nothing specifically triggered it but i havn't been myself.. and i cant talk to anyone about this because i dont know what to say.. school has made it worse with all the stress.. getting harrassed by a group of boys about one of my exes.. swimming practices everyday.. i cant talk to anyone.. my mom yells at me or makes fun of me whenever i say this sort of stuff she thinks im making this up but i just dont know i really wish i wasnt here i want to be far away no where here on earth im so tired of everything everyone would be happy if i were gone anyways so why the f**k am i still alive? whats the point to all these feelings its not like anyone cares about me enough to actually believe me or take me seriously whenever im around my friends i put a mask on and are all laughing and happy when they leave im back to being depressed and my mom goes oh of course cuz theyre gone and ur bored ur gonna make things up now.. i dont know i just want this feeling to end i hate life right now.
    Last edited by 2NDFLOOR; 01-11-2014, 07:41 AM.

  • #2
    Thank you for reaching out to us and taking another step in helping yourself. It sounds like you are definitely under a great deal of stress right now and may have symptoms of depression. I am sorry to hear that you have tried to talk to your mom, but that she does not take you seriously. Have you told her the same things you wrote to us in this post? You had mentioned that you feel like you can't talk to anyone because you don't know how to explain what you are feeling. I want to point out that you knew exactly what to say in this post and things that you mentioned are exactly what you would bring up to someone (like another family member or friend) who can help you and show support. It is very concerning that you wish you were far away, not on this earth, and question why you are still alive. I would highly suggest that you speak to your school counselor about these exact issues and/or please call us here at the 2NDFLOOR Youth helpline 1-888-222-2228 so we can better assist you. Please remember that it is extremely important that you try and use as much support and resources around you as possible for help in these type of situations before problems start to get worse.


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