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  • help

    My parents think i have been acting up little more lately then usually. I disagree i think i have been fine. However because they think this there gonna start making me go to therapist Psychologist and social worker all at the same time. Im really mad about this since its dumb to do all that and I've never went to anyone before im fine. .Can you please tell me what to expect from each one of the people im going to and what the differences are between all 3 of those professions? Will anyone of these be fun?

  • #2
    First off, if you don't think you need to receive professional help, then it may be helpful to let your parents know this. It may not be as beneficial as it could be, if you don't want to go. All three of these professions are similar, but have a few things that make them different. It is unusual to see all three of these at the same point in time, since they are so similar. A psychologist has a doctorate degree (a phd). A social worker and a therapist both have a masters degree. They all will sit down and talk to you, and help you work through problems or issues that are concerning for you. Sometimes it is helpful to talk out problems and get another persons perspective on it. You may find this fun, but that may rely on the psychologist/counselor/social worker that you have. If you don't like them, trust them, or feel comfortable with them than it may be a more difficult experience for you. Please call 2NDFLOOR anytime at 888-222-2228 for more help or if you have more questions!


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