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Cutting Relapse

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  • Cutting Relapse

    The last time I cut was last year until the beginning of this month. The Trevor Project used to help but my depression just keeps getting worse. At least The Trevor Project keeps me from actually killing myself. My question is, If i told and showed my guidance counselor or a trusted teacher about my cutting, would they have to report it? Because I DO NOT want my parents or family finding out. I really hope the answer is that they dont have to tell them because i really need help. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

  • #2
    Most guidance counselors are under the obligation to report any behaviors they are aware of that involve you hurting yourself or others, so yes, they would most likely report if you told them you were self-injuring. Cutting is a very serious issue and does need to be addressed. If reporting it to a guidance counselor was the beginning of you getting the help you need, maybe it would be beneficial to you to report it, regardless of if they report it or not. Maybe if your parents find out, they can figure out a way to arrange help for you. It sounds like you could really use it with everything you are going through. Please don't let fear of people finding out keep you from looking for help. Secrets of this type are not healthy and only encourage these negative behaviors. It's good that you have an outlet and here are a few more you may find helpful:
    You can also call us anytime at 888-222-2228.


    • #3

      Then I guess I'm not going g to the guidance counselor...


      • #4
        Well, remember that your guidance counselor is there for YOU. They are there to help and protect you. So, in this case, your guidance counselor making a report is not to hurt you or a consequence, but it is actually him/her protecting you, and trying to provide you with help. It may be helpful to talk to your guidance counselor and take a friend with you. It may be comforting to have a friend there for support. Please call 2NDFLOOR anytime at 888-222-2228 to talk about this or any other problem that you are having!


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