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  • Pressures

    Is it bad that I'm 18 and want to cry almost every single day? I have a lot of pressures right now like college applications.
    Litterally every single day I get so stressed out about everything that I want to just cry. I feel very uncertain about life right now and nothing seems to be going together like I want. I got declined from my dream college 2 months ago and I'm trying to stay positive but I'm just getting worse the more I think about it. I talked to people about it when it first happened and that made me feel better. But now it's old news and no one wants to hear about anymore but it still bothers me if not even more now because I feel so betrayed by life.

  • #2
    I am sorry you are going through this. College admissions are very stressful and not everyone gets into their dream college. That is why you should apply to various schools: difficult schools, middle of the road schools, and schools that are not too difficult to get into. If it were easy to get into college, everyone would be attending Harvard and Princeton, so give yourself some credit and a break. If you feel so stressed and filled with anxiety maybe you should seek out counseling. Have you spoken to your mom about this? Sometimes getting it out is the hardest part and maybe speaking to a professional will help. Also, speak to your school counselor about the college admissions process, he or she should be guiding you and helping you decide which schools are the right fit for you. Maybe your dream school wasn't the right fit. You never know until you are attending.
    If you have any additional questions or thoughts please do not hesitate to contact 2ndfloor through message board, phone or text. We are here 24/7 @ 888-222-2228. Good Luck!


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