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My past is too much to handle

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  • My past is too much to handle

    Hi. I don't know where else to go and I don't know where this thread goes so if it's ok I'm going to type here. I use to have an abusive relationship but I've been out of it. He was my go to guy and basically my person since we were friends before we dated and when he broke up with me he left me with no one to I can talk to because he was the only person I was super close with. Now I don't know who to talk to because I have a bunch of supportive friends now but they don't know much about me and when I go to a friend (even though I may not annoy them) I feel like I annoy them. My parents don't know and I'm scared to tell them so I can't go to therapy and if I tell the school guidance they might tell my parents so I don't know what to do. Chat rooms on line are for emergencys so I don't know what to do.

  • #2
    I am sorry you are going through this and that you reached out to 2ndfloor. Your counselor at school cannot tell your parents unless you are being abused presently and it is ongoing. If the relationship is over, the counselor should keep this confidential unless she feels that you need therapeutic help immediately. I understand you not wanting to tell your friends about this. It is very personal and sometimes friends do not know how to respond. Do you still see this guy? Do you go to school with him? If so it must be difficult when you see him.
    I would like to give you a resource so you could get some support. The website is They also have texting too. You can text loveis to 22522. There is also a hotline number which is 866-331-9474. This is a good website, which lists categories that discuss verbal and physical relationships. I think it will help you get through this difficult time. You can always call or text 2ndfloor 24/7 @888-222-2228. Please reach out if you need to.


    • #3
      My past is too much to handle: reply

      Yea, I do see him in school, we never talk or look at each other, we act is if we never knew each other. My guy friends have offered to beat him up but I don't want him to get hurt, I don't want anything bad to happen to him. Do you think this means I may still love him even though I rather be friends with him than anything?


      • #4
        It sounds like your guy friends are trying to be there for you, but being physically abusive to your boyfriend does not resolve what he did to you in the past. Not wanting someone to be physically harmed doesn't necessarily mean you love them, but may just be you realizing that's not the solution to the problem. Leaving an abusive relationship is difficult and just because you know it wasn't a healthy relationship doesn't mean that there won't be some unresolved issues. Consider talking to a counselor or trying to open up to one of your supportive friends. Try to focus on getting yourself the emotional support that you need. If you want to talk more call/text 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline 24/7 at 888-222-2228.


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