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  • Idk

    Well lately I've been feeling kinda sad I'm not doing as well in school or sports and I don't have much friends anymore. I would feel better if I atleast had my family but I truly feel as though my parents like my siblings better than me and my mom even says sometimes that she doesn't like me when she's mad. My mom is so quick to get mad at me for the slightest thing and there's no way to avoid getting in a fight with her and I'm always getting yelled at . If I say something to her about how I feel she gets mad and turns it back to it being my fault. I just feel sad a lot and that I have no one that even cares. I try to avoid talking to people bc I feel like no one likes me but it makes me even more sad that I have no friends. And then it leaves me with no energy for school and sports like I have mentioned before... I'm just tired of being sad

  • #2
    I am glad you reached out to 2ndfloor for help and I am sorry you are feeling this way. Have you reached out to your counselor at school? Sometimes letting things out to an adult who really listens can help. Also, your counselor might be able to speak to your mom about how you're feeling too. Having an adult mediate a discussion could help your mom understand how you feel and how upset you are. Think about reaching out to another adult for help. Please check out the following website, It is an online support group for teens. They offer an online chat and other resources that might help you. I hope things get better for you. No one deserves to feel that way. But remember there is always someone to help. Please reach out to 2ndfloor through message board, text or by phone. We are available 24/7 @888-222-2228. Good Luck!


    • #3

      I kind of felt depressed in the past but saw it was hurting everyone so I pushed it down. I push everything down really out of habit. Now I have my mom back with me and I feel lost. Like I am just floating right now. I have no purpose,friends,or people to turn to that make me happy. I'm just kinda there. I purposely distant myself and I don't know why. I have felt this way slot, but it happened a little before. Nothing bad has ever happened to me yet I feel mad at the world and I am always secretly putting myself down. I am spoiled and always told Im beautiful. It just happens where I get really depressed all the time and fake a smile and move on or postpone my breakdowns. I only broke down once and that lead to me in the process of getting school councillor. My mom cried and my dad was in denial. I felt like a disappointment. I don't want to go through that again.


      • #4
        Thank you for reaching out to 2NDFLOOR. I just want to start off by saying that if you are in danger of harming yourself please contact 911 right away or contact the Hope Center hotline 784-2433
        or go to the link at
        Although you are feeling downhearted at the moment just try to remember you have a purpose and you don't have to feel this way. There is help out there for you!! Have you thought about therapy with a psychologist or psychiatrist before? Your school can be a great support system to start at and I know you mentioned that you spoke to your guidance counselor, is that often? If not maybe start going more often there and talk about your feelings, guidance can get you additional outside counselling referrals as well. Family and friends want to help you, so don’t be so hard on yourself. You should never feel like a burden. So just talk to an adult you trust and feel comfortable with so you can start to feel and think positive again. If you want to talk more please do not hesitate to reach out to 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline 24/7 or text us at 888-222-2228. You do not have to go through this alone!!
        Last edited by 2NDFLOOR; 02-02-2017, 08:39 AM.


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