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Just life

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  • Just life

    So much shit has gone down. I go to a school that I consider to be lower tier and I almost transferred. I went to counseling because I was so incredibly depressed when I got back to my school, and I got a 67 out of 70 on a depression quiz once I got back to school. The counseling center thought that my school was my wall. Everything is just driving me nuts. So I filled out an app to transfer. The first 2 weeks of the semester I was so incredibly depressed I was sick ALL the TIME and I didn't have the energy to talk to any of my friends. I also couldn't sleep so I was just home all the time because it helped me feel better. I also broke up with my boyfriend 3 weeks ago. I broke up with him because he found ways to pick at me for my stress, and told me that I should be like him "not care about getting a good job, and not try at all, as he can get C's and fall on a backup plan of being a doctor with a psych degree, he also started to tick me off in other ways, and took up all my time." He's a very weak person and I was sick of hearing him complain all the time about his low self of esteem and how nothing good ever happens to him. He took up all my time last semester so I didn't really see too many of my friends, so now I feel like I have no friend and no social life, due to the fact that we broke up, and I told myself I need a 4,0 to get grades good enough to get into my school and my advisor put me in 18 credits, half of which are math based, and I don't want to drop a class because I don't want a "W" on m transcript, and now I'm like really depressed and really lonely because i have had such a hard time focusing on my work bc I was so depressed the start of the smester and so behind on all my work. I'm now really depressed bc I feel like I let my social life dwindle for the following reasons and I don't know what to do and I don't want to drop the class. And I'm single and just plain misreble. I don't know if I should date someone else from my school bc im like the top 10 percent of students there and what if I end up with another loser like my ex. I also have this really bad money ocd and i hve all these strangle itching urges that I need to spend 250 to get keratin on my hair to get people to talk to me and then another 500 on pants and overall a whole list of 3,000$ worth of stuff I've dreamt up. IF I want to go to the other school I need to go full force toward my grades, what do I do... I have like I feel like no friends and no boyfriend and I'm just plain misreble.

  • #2
    Well first of all I am happy you reached out to 2ndfloor. It sounds like you are having a rough time in school at this point. It also sounds like you are trying to figure out all of your issues at once. You can easily become overwhelmed by doing that. Are you seeing a therapist now? If not I would definitely recommend going to the counseling center at your school. I am not sure who gave you the depression quiz but you shouldn't focus on your score. Try to work though therapy and use whatever strategies are given to you to help with your depression. I am not sure if you spoke to a therapist about possibly trying medication. it is just another option for you.
    So you need to figure out what is most important to you at this moment and focus on that. It sounds like you are very concerned with school. If that is the case you need to focus on your classes and make a plan to get catch up with your work. Maybe speak to your professors if you're comfortable with that. If you are seeking therapy, I am sure your counselor can advise you as to how to approach your teachers.
    At this point it sounds like you have made your decision about you ex-boyfriend, so maybe you need to move on from him. It is difficult for anyone during a break up. You depend on that person, but we learn from our relationships and it helps us in future relationships. At this point it does sound like you have a lot on your plate so maybe take a step back from a new relationship. They normally happen when you least expect it.
    As far as a social life, once you get support and you feel comfortable with your classes, that will happen too. Just remember tackle one thing at a time otherwise you will feel overwhelmed which could cause feelings of depression.
    If you have any questions or other concerns please reach out to 2ndfloor either by message board or you can text or call 24/7@ 888-222-2228. Good luck to you.


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