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I'm done

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  • I'm done

    You know I don't understand why I try to get help in the first place why I go to counseling why I go here and talk. I can never get better because somehow I always seem to get dragged down to the beginning of tryin to get help. The voices they f*ck me up. They are the ones that drag me down. I'm a puppet to them. You're not suppose to have emotions. Youre not suppose to care about anybody. You're suppose to be a a*****e. You care about people, you get close to people they will break you down. You're not suppose to be a weak b*tch. I can't get help. I can't. It's too hard to try and fight these demons. I should just stop going to counseling. I should stop trying. It's Whatever, you know. Just stop trying to get better. There's no point of me living no more, like what's my purpose? Im just burden people. No one can help me. No one. I should just stay like this. I'm better on my own. I don't need no f*cking help.

  • #2
    Thank you for reaching out to 2NDFLOOR. I just want to start off by saying that if you are in danger of harming yourself please contact 911 right away or contact the Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255. I can understand feeling like there is no point in continuing to get treatment, especially when it's something you feel is not helping. However, there is a point, you have a purpose and you don't have to feel this way. Sometimes treatment can take time, sometimes we need to try different types of treatment before we start feeling like ourselves again. I believe that there are people that care about you and will be devastated if you were not here. This is not something you should go through alone and you should never feel like a burden. Family and friends want to help you, DON'T GIVE UP! You reached out to us so I think that you do want help and for someone to be there, but sometimes we don't know how to get the help that we need. Talk to an adult you trust and feel comfortable with, explain what isn't working for you. Maybe you need to seek out a different counselor if this one isn't working for you. If you want to talk more please do not hesitate to reach out to 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline 24/7 or text us daily 4-8PM at 888-222-2228. You do not have to go through this alone!!


    • #3
      things will get better

      honestly, I totally feel you. Not that I want to harm my self or anything but what ever u said I get u 100%. Trust me, u are not alone, try talking to someone about it. And that feeling were the one person u love knocks u down... especially when its ur family and ex, I know how that feels. How we just have to be perfect in order to be accepted. Don't worry and hope for the best, after all there are people that truly care about u


      • #4
        Don't Give Up!

        Although you may not see it now, you are much stronger than you think! The fact that you have sought out counseling and are posting on this site shows just how strong of a person you are. Counseling and therapy takes time. It is important to find the proper treatment and care and the right person to talk to so just because you haven't met that person yet does not mean you will never find them. Instead of focusing on the people who have disappointed you try to think about the people who haven't. Is there someone in your life who has been around for a while? Has been a good friend or family member to you? Is there anyone that hasn't, as you said, "broke you down"? Try identifying this person in your life and express to them how you're feeling. Let them know how discouraged you are but that you do want to get help and you do want to feel better! Nothing is permanent! Those voices will go away it's just a matter of finding the right counselor or psychiatrist to help. I assure you, you are not a burden. You are a strong and determined person and although you may not see it right now, I am sure there are people in your life who love you and want to help you. It sounds like you've been fighting to feel better for a while so don't stop now! Your previous counseling has shown you what does not work which is a huge step to finding what will work to make you feel better! Although you feel that you're back to the beginning of trying to get help, you've made more progress than you realize. Now is not the time to give up now is the time to keep fighting and to rely on the support of the people around you. You are not alone!! Good luck and don't forget how strong you really are.


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