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Depressed friend won't get help - what should we do?

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  • Depressed friend won't get help - what should we do?

    Hello all,
    I have a friend who has been depressed for awhile now. Out of all her friends, only three including me know. She's expressed that she doesn't want to die because of us and her other friends, but also can't see the point of living. Because I'm friends with the other two who know, we tried suggesting that she could go to the school counselor and receive help there first but she doesn't trust the school. She also doesn't think her mom will take her seriously if she tells her, and wouldn't bring her to receive treatment.
    We're at a loss of what to do. We don't want to go behind her back to tell the counselor or her parents to get her help, but it seems like it could be getting worse. A lot of the time she'll keep her feelings bottled up inside of her and won't say what's on her mind to any of us. We wish we could do more, since she is our close friend, but at the moment there seems to be nothing else except for just being there for her.
    Is there anything we can do to convince her to get help? Thank you.

  • #2
    It's great that you want to help your friend and so far you have done everything that a good friend should do! Depression is difficult because many times that person doesn't realize that they don't always have to feel this way. Continue to do what your doing, but also discuss with her the potential of talking to his parents about the way he has been feeling one more time. If you are close with her parents maybe you could also speak to them and just let them know your concern. As great as it is that you are continuing to help her, also realize that it is not your responsibility to make sure she gets better. It's beneficial to reach out to a trusted adult, because they have even more resources that can help. You're being a great friend, but don't forget to take care of yourself as well! If you want to talk more give 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline a call 24/7 at 888-222-2228 or text us daily 4-8PM. You can also give this link to your friend to check out too, sometimes seeing what someone else is going through can make you feel less alone; Teen Health FX @
    Last edited by 2NDFLOOR; 05-12-2016, 09:43 AM.


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