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  • sad...

    I have know this guy (let's just call him Dan for example) since kindergarden. Even back then we always used to like eacch other. In fact, as little kids we would say that we were "dating" but it was little kid cute kind of stuff. A couple of years later, in 3rd grade I moved here to America. We did not keep in touch for 6 years! It's a crazy long amount of time I know. Even if we did not keep in touch I always had feelings for him. Last year a miracle happened. My cousin came to America to visit and she had Dan's number (from FaceBook). Oh one more thing before I continue, I have never had any social media and still to this day I don't have any so it was literally impossible to try to get in touch with Dan. Anyways, my cousin gave me his phone number and I was extremley happy to talk to him again. After 1 month of talking, he asked me out and told me that he had feelings for me too this whole time. So we decided to have a long distance relationship. Over the summer (like every summer) I wen there and we saw each other. I would say I had the best time of my life with Dan. I felt so loved around him. So it was hard comming back to America and leaving him, but I remember that day, where he looked at me in the eyes and told me he wanted to spemd his life with me and he sweared to me that he would NEVER leave me. So time passed and everything was going great until something happened. So last week he was acting strangly, he told me his dad was taking his phone away to we would not be able to talk and I believed him, even though he was ALWAYS online. This happened on our 1 year and month anniversary. Anyways, 4 days later, out of the blue I chose to look up his name on google and I saw something that will scar me forever. I saw his Instagram profile. On the day of our 1 year and 1 month anniversary I saw that he cheated on me, on his profile... i dont know what to do anymore with my life...

  • #2
    Thank you for sharing a story with such great memories and events even though you are at a very sad moment of your life with this person right now. I am sorry to hear how this is turning out. I can understand how hard it is and how you must feel. You still need to believe that he came back into your life for a reason...even if the only reason was to teach you something and let him go once and for all. You made a very long distance relationship work for a while. However, if you really think about it all you had for the most part was a phone relationship with this guy. You sound like a great girl who deserves more than that. Eventually you most likely would have started feeling this way as time went on unless you both had a plan to relocate...he move here or you move back there. If that wasn't the plan then most likely whether it was at this point or 3 more years from now I am sure the chance of this happening is just as equal. You always have to pull the positives from every negative situation. One way you can look at this is that if you went more than just 1 year in this relationship it would hurt 10x more finding something like this out. You have to take this bad situation and tell yourself that it is a growing experience, you will be ok, and move on. Don't waste time being sad and depressed while he is over there happy and living his life. Take control of your own feelings, don't let his actions control yours. Spend your days keeping busy and focused on yourself and what makes you happy...whether it be the family and friends you surround yourself with, school, work, hobbies, etc. If you would like to talk about this further you can always give us a call here at the 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline. We are here 24/7 at 888-222-2228. You can also text us daily at this number between 4pm and 8pm. Keep your head up!


    • #3

      Honestly, thank you so much for what you said. I will try to live my life in a positive way and try to learn from this terrible experience.


      • #4
        one more thing...

        do u think that the girl should know about this... that he was dating me at the same time that he was dating her... or would I cause more problems that way. I cant decide, please help


        • #5
          I can understand how you must feel about the situation but you may not want to waste anymore of your time and energy on this situation. It is ultimately up to you to tell the girl, but just ask yourself what do you want to get out of it? Is it worth your time? Hope this helped and if you would like to talk about this further you can always give 2NDFLOOR a call at 888-222-2228. You can also text us daily at this number between 4pm and 8pm.


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