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why are my parents SO controlling

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  • why are my parents SO controlling

    I hate the choices they make in life, honestly...they didn't have enough money to pay full boat to for my bachelors and yet they have two houses and pay 35k for my brother to go to school, EVERY YEAR for the private school, 13 years, k-12. In high school they barely paid for any of my expenses, It was always a fight to get them to pay for pants or shirts or a new backpack, because they claimed that I "didn't need it and I should get it from Walmart". Anytime anything small happened, I broke my phone once, or I wanted to buy lunch, it was "your own money", when I HAVE NO MONEY, and I couldn't make any money because I WASNT ALLOWED TO GET A JOB. I would OCD about my expenses and save every last dime like a crazy person, feeling bad for paying 30$ on shorts, when I could have paid 15, and guilt tripping myself because they didn't let me live. I would go to school in dirty gross torn clothes, because "clothes were a luxury, and as a parent I only buy clothes every 10 years". Then came college choice, and I couldn't go to any school in "a bad location", or "more than 2 hours away", or "too big", or "an out of state state school". In terms of cost, I could "only go to a school that gave me merit aid", when I worked my tail off to get into much better ones, and if they had done things differently I could've afforded them. If I wanted to go to school to major in business or marketing, "it wasn't allowed, because WE feel it is the wrong choice for you, and WE are paying, and If you ever change to that major, we will STOP paying your tuition. Some schools had benefits, the favorite schools and they suddenly have money for a car or additional thousands of dollars to hand out WHEN IN FACT THE FAVORITE AND NOT FAVORITE COST THE SAME. I HATE MY PARENTS!!! not that I actually do BUT IT IS SOOOO ANNOYING how they ACT!!! WHAT CAN I DO TO MAKE THEM CHANGE AND GIVE ME FREEDOM TO STUDY WHAT I WANT WHERE I WANT??? THEY ARE HORRIBLE!!!

  • #2
    It sounds like you are in a very difficult situation and are feeling like you aren't getting the opportunity to live your life the way you would like to. Unfortunately I can't change your parents behavior but hopefully we can find a way for you to cope with this or at least have a discussion with them about it. Are you able to have a job while you are at college? That may help you to get the financial freedom that you are looking for. I know many times you can even get a job on campus either at the bookstore or within a specific department. Since you are already a student there they will most likely be flexible with your hours and can help you fit it into your schedule. In terms of your parents, the best thing you could do is try to discuss it with them. Talk to them about how you are feeling. Explain to them that you are going to the school that they thought was best, but you would like to choose your major, because in the end you are the one that has the live with that decision. Maybe ask them why they feel these are the best decisions for you. By trying to understand their way of thinking it may help you to explain why these are not the best decisions for you. If you want to talk more give 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline a call 24/7 or text us daily 4-8PM at 888-222-2228.


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