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really sad life...

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  • really sad life...

    just to start off, I really don't like my life (hate is a strong word and I would rather not use it). but, I feel like everything just happens to me. I am the good kid in school (im a 14 year old girl). the one who studies hard and puts lots of effort in school. and honestly what really bothers me is seeing all the other kids, for examples the ones that smoke, ditch school, and do all that bad stuff always get everything thing so easy. while in the other hand there is me who has to have the bad life... lets talk about my family now... I have a sister and I always get compared to her by everyone, and that really bothers me. she is my parent's favorite but honestly, whatever. she is the kind of sister who always tells on me and tattle tales on me to my dad on every little thing that I do. one thing wrong, and I get punished so bad. when in the meanwhile when she does something bad I never tell on her not to create any problems. the comes my dad... he is the strict and overprotective type.he basically controls my life. I found the love of my life 11 months ago he is my boyfriend but there is only one problem, and a big one too, he lives in another country. I go there every year and I talk the language so that's good, its just that when I go there, my dad always says that I cant see him and stuff like that. he is like "u will see him only once week... he has to come to u... no kissing... no touching.." and stuff like that. I mean like I only get to see him for a short amount of time and not even that is enough to make him understand that I want to spend as much time as possible with him. he says no one my age dates... I don't think so... anyways, then my mom is just the one that has like anger issues, she scream for every little thing I do wrong, right not she scratched my arm for not giving her my phone. oh and one more thing, when my parents want to take my phone away from me that's a major problem. you know why? because that's the ONLY way that I can talk to my boyfriend and we really care about each other. I have no social media except for whatsapp and that's how I talk to him. he is so important to me and I don't want to loose him because of the restrictions that my dad has.. its just hard... everything that I have to go through and having y boyfriend so far away makes things even harder. I don't know what to do. I tried talking to them and like clear the situation but nothing seems to be working... im always sad and I miss those happy times in my life.. thank you for reading what I have to say, some times its better to let your feelings out rather then keeping them all trapped in your heart.. I know u will understand how I feel 2nd floor and the people reading this super long message, I just hope that no one has a life so sad like mine. God bless everyone and especially the ones who are going through some pretty rough times like me<3

  • #2
    I am sorry to hear that your feeling so sad right now. From what you are describing it does sound like a challenging relationship to be in because of the distance and the restrictions your dad gives you. Have you ever tried to talk to your parents about this? If your uncomfortable then write them a letter explaining how you feel, a letter is less confrontational but will still get your point across. Do you have anyone that you confide in or trust besides your boyfriend? You can vent to your guidance counselor at school that's what they are there for so take advantage of it. Its important to realize that there is a bigger picture and try to stay positive! Its not good to isolate yourself and become withdrawn. As far as the relationship with your parents it will change throughout your growing years and hopefully for the better. I wish you the best and if you ever need to talk you can call 2NFLOOR @ 888-222-2228 or text daily between 4-8PM.


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