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My life right now

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  • My life right now

    I went through high school surrounded by people I didn't really like and who didn't really like me and who I always felt criticized and put down by and now that I have gotten to college I am surrounded by people who I really like and like me. In high school I really had no chance to get to know anyone new because everyone stuck to their groups and didn't interact much outside of class. I feel surrounded by everyone and hang out with all different people but yet I still feel alone in a sense, I dor t have a set clique or squad like how others do, by this time and I talk and hangout with all differnt people but I still feel alone as I don't know who's truly there for me and who wil stay while who will leave, or get busy and no longer be there. And I really liked this guy and then he said he didn't want to be with me because he felt our relationship would be unhealthy because I still need to find my friends who I know I can rely on before getting involved in a relationship because the relationship will lead me to getting hurt if I don't have the base of solid friends that I need, I have been in college for a little over 2 months now I am a freshman, but I was wondering when I would know who my friends were and how long this would go on for before I settled in because I feel like a lot of other people have already grounded in their group and can be calm about it. What should I do in order to speed up this process. Also I didn't have a boyfriend in high school and a lot of girls that I am In school did do and do in college also. It makes me feel like I am never going to get married or find a guy in college and certainly not before I get grounded with my group of friends, because I feel like no guy will be interested in dating me untill I fix that since this guy wasn't. I also feel like being in single in high school was my fault and everything gets harder for dating after college people get married and settle down with their careers. There also aren't really that many guys I am physically atteacted to or interested in at my college in general and I am trying to keep an open mind. A lot of the guys are stoners or really really creepy or I simply just am not that physically attracted to, or could see myself with in any context. I am trying to keep an open mind. I look back at my high school year book and think while I never got a chance to get to know them so many of the guys I went to high school with are really really hot compared to anyone I see on this campus. And my friends say that they go to college with hot guys and I feel like its i dose that it's honestly pretty dismal where I go to school, it's also only 2000. A lot of girls comment on it being dismal not just me, it makes me think I would be better at a bigger college with more male prospects but I also feel that would have its own challenges and its a stupied reason To go to a different school, the male prospects being "dismal". What do you think about this???

  • #2
    So it is not uncommon to feel that way about High School. You will be surprised that many people look back and feel that it was difficult or not a pleasurable experience, so maybe don’t over think it! The past is the past!! If you’re in college then enjoy your time and your new friendships that you have made now, but also don’t over think them either. Meaning enjoy the friendships and not focus on if they are solid or grounded because real friendships should develop organically. The same goes for meeting a guy. Let that happen naturally too, meet guys, develop friendships, have fun and see what happens next. When you force things they can be short lived. Enjoy your college experience and have fun! I hoped this has helped, but if you want to talk more about this or anything else give us a call @ 2NDFLOOR @ 888-222-2228 to discuss more options or anything, you can text us daily from 4-8pm.


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