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  • hormotional

    Ok so, I keep on making up" Romantic moments" scenarios in my head with guys I never even spoke to. Geez, its not even a crush! I feel like I want to be in a relationship already, though I am too young and goes against my beliefs. i cant stop!!! I feel like im actually not being productive because I prefer to make up more scenarios. I want cute moments to happen! I feel wierd and ugh. Its like one second im happy, then crying for no reason. Its like i like one guy then i like another guy a second later. It kinda feels good, but wierd. And its more than one guy!! Im like mad cuz I cant have him(s) and then I go like "I don't even know them!" Im mad at myself for feeling this way. Im so dumb! How can I stop, or cope?

  • #2
    It's normal to create scenarios in our heads that we want to occur. It doesn't mean that you like these guys, it just may mean that you are looking forward to having a relationship at some point in the future. Sometimes we get this way when we watch romantic movies or tv shows and think "I wish that could happen to me". You don't have to feel dumb or angry with yourself many people do this. If you feel that it has become a major distraction in your life than each time you create these moments think "Do I really like him or do I just like the idea of him?" Talk to your friends about it ask if they have ever felt the same way. If you want to talk more call 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline 24/7 at 888-222-2228 or text us daily 4-8PM at 908-280-0235.


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