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I feel like there is something wrong with me

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  • I feel like there is something wrong with me

    So I transferred in the 6th grade, from a much smaller school, and when I did I made one group of friends, then another, and they kept winding up bullying me so I stopped taking risks to make new friends, after that in middle school, and entered high school with pretty much no social group. I joined 3 seasons of sports same sport, and made friends that way, I spent the majority of my time in high school either worrying about my running times or my grades, and didn't have much time for anything else (much of a social life). My friends from track are okay, they are boring and never want to go out. I have been trying to make new friends this year, like im the kind of person who talks to others during class, but I'm not entirely sure how to get a social life together (Im a senior), I have a lot of classes with juniors, and I talk to people casually in class, but they aren't exactly friends if that makes any sense like I never see them outside of class, and I have tried inviting some of them out, yet I find it to be unconfortable for whatever reason, and they say they are "so busy" when I ask, but then they hang out with their other friends, and some how have time for that. Other than the track friends I feel like I don't really know that many people in my grade, and I look on facebook and It looks like everyone in my grade is all out having fun and I am somehow not a part of it. I am the kind of person who wants to be out every weekend till 2 am or 12, I find It exhilarating. I am scared about next year in college, I've only really been to one party with alchohol and that one I wasn't invited to, it was simply visiting a college, and I happened to be there on a Friday night and I was able to go to a party where people were drinking. I just feel like I have missed out on having fun in my high school years, they have been filled with stress and keeping everything together. I am scared I won't have experience drinking when I get to college, and people will judge me for it. I don't know where to go to school, I kind of want to go to one of my safety schools, I actually want to have fun next year, and still get good grades. I have only had one boyfriend and that only lasted for a month. Everyone else on their facebooks at schools I am looking at all have pictures with their boyfriends, and large circles of friends, an I feel like I will be different/ seem different since I didn't have that. I feel like everyone at my school has what I don't, they get asked to prom/homecoming and I don't. They get invited to parties and I don't. I feel like I wish I knew what I was doing wrong but I don't. I talk to people in class, and I try to be friendly. I am scared college will be 4 years of the same thing, and I really don't want it to be. I want to stay out late, have a boyfriend and a lot of friends, and I don't know how to get that life right now, and I kind of wish I had it, I also wish I could forget about my middle school memories yet somehow I still think about it. Do you know what I should do differently/what I am doing wrong?

  • #2

    Thanks for posting on the 2nd Floor Message Board! What are you doing wrong? Well, this may sound confusing to you but you are doing NOTHING wrong! Everyone does not follow the same course in high school. However, it is terrible that you feel so cheated and "out the loop" on what you feel is fun. One thing is certain: your college years will be vastly different. In college you will find a more accepting atmosphere and much less clicks of friends that you feel you cannot break into. I am concerned about your mention of alcohol and being inexperienced. Being inexperienced with alcohol is not a bad thing, however, please be very careful not to drink too much too soon in college if you choose to experiment. I get the feeling that once you get to college you will try to catch up for lost time and this may lead you to take risks with alcohol or other behavior that may be harmful to you and that you may regret. All you can do is KEEP BEING YOU!!! Once you get out of high school you will find more people who have similar interests as you and who you feel connected with. High school is not the defining years in one's life and far too many teenagers are allowed to have too much freedom before they are mature enough to have it. So, even though you desperately want things to change now it may be better that the change is gradual. Enjoy the last few months of high school with the friends you do have and know you can trust. If other opportunities arise take advantage of them but make good choices to remain safe. Thanks for posting! You can also call 888-222-2228 24-7-365 to speak to one of our counselors. Thanks!

    2nd Floor


    • #3
      Honestly I was the same way in high school. I was a 3 sport athlete and focused on getting good grades. The longest relationship I have was 5 months and only went to a few parties where there was no drinking. I started college this year and made a lot of friends. I'm still pretty busy with classes and I moved on to play 2 sports. There are lots of parties in college that you'll find yourself at. Don't stress over the parties part that is only one aspect of the overall picture. you're there for school. Trust me I had people kicked of of school within the first 2 months for not realizing this. You'll make friends everyone is new to each other. It may take time. Be smart when going out and take it slow the first times you go out. Choose a school you love and what's best for your future not best for the parties. Remember to branch out from you dorm to make friends to. Join clubs and just be welcoming you'll be fine. Trust me I was terrified I was going to have to no friends and now I have some of the best I ever meet. Overall enjoy college it's the last step before the real world and you don't want to look back and regret it.


      • #4

        Thank you so much you both made me feel a lot better!!!


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