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Weird feeling

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  • Weird feeling

    There's this boy who goes to my school and we were always friends and he is in the same friend group as me but we were never really that close. I mean yeah we talked and we followed eachother on instagram and snapchat and stuff but we were never that good of friends. Well 3 days ago we started talking and texting and facetiming a lot, and I started to like him. And then I found out he liked me too, I was really happy but now, two days later in just feeling really awkward and weird about it, things are moving fast. He is already sending heart emojis to me and sending me selfies and funny photos on snapchat. I like him but on a scale from 1-10 i would say a 4. I dot want to hurt him because he is a great guy, I just don't want to lead him on. I don't like him that much, only a little and I'm not looking for a serious relationship

  • #2
    Its okay that you felt an excitement to flirt with a boy and now you don't think the spark is there. Sometimes feelings can develop and other times they don't, so it sounds like you are just not into him! To avoid hurting him maybe you should just back away a little without being weird, so when he texts you don't respond or just respond sometimes. Try it and see if he gets the message and if he doesn't you might have to just let him know that you care about the friendship but your not interested in a relationship. Hope this helps some. If you need to talk call 2NDFLOOR @ 888-222-2228 or text us Fridays @ 908-280-0235 from 4-8pm.
    Last edited by 2NDFLOOR; 04-29-2015, 06:55 AM.


    • #3
      I need help

      There's this boy who goes to my school and we were always friends and he is in the same friend group as me but we were never really that close. I mean yeah we talked and we followed eachother on instagram and snapchat and stuff but we were never that good of friends. Well 3 days ago we started talking and texting and facetiming a lot, and I started to like him. And then I found out he liked me too, I was really happy but now, two days later in just feeling really awkward and weird about it, things are moving fast. He is already sending heart emojis to me and sending me selfies and funny photos on snapchat. I like him but on a scale from 1-10 i would say a 4. I dot want to hurt him because he is a great guy, I just don't want to lead him on. I don't like him that much, only a little and I'm not looking for a serious relationship. Ps I'm a homosexual.


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