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  • Life

    I feel very down about my life. I'm gay and my mom doesn't accept that. I don't have a boyfriend. I don't have anyone that I am close with. I am not doing well in school. I have dealt with depression and being suicidal. I feel no love from my family. I just don't know what is next for me.

    I did meet a guy but it turns out he is bisexual, he has a girlfriend and he raped me. I have to tell my mom since the hospital wants the bill to be covered. I'm not looking forward to that!

    I feel like i'm cursed, I feel that one thing after another has happened to me in my life, since 2007, I started feeling as though i've lost touch with my friends.

    I don't know what love is. I am afraid that i'm going to commit suicide one day.

    I will try to find a counselor to talk to.

    What do you think?

  • #2
    It sounds like you are going through a really difficult time in your life. Feeling like you have no support, can also make any difficult time feel ten times worse. We are glad that you reached out to us for help, because sometimes that can be the hardest part about getting help.

    You mentioned that you would like to start speaking with a counselor, and this sounds like a great idea! Especially if you are having frequent feelings about suicide; speaking with a counselor in a non-judgmental setting may help you to organize your feelings and thoughts. You indicated that you have a lot of concerns including depression, concerns about feeling supported about your sexual preference, and also concerns about being raped. With so many concerns, and if this is your first time trying to find a counselor, a good place to start is with your school guidance office. Many guidance offices have staff that are trained in gender and sexuality topics, and often indicate that they are a safe space for people that have questions by having a sticker on their door or in their office with a triangle and rainbow on it. It may look something like this: If you have been raped, rape counseling may also be a good idea to help you deal with the feelings surrounding the traumatic experience you have gone through. The hospital where you were treated may be able to advise you of local rape counseling in your area.

    With everything going on, it may also help to seek out support in a group setting such as a club. You may want to see if your school offers a club such as the Gay Straight Alliance. These types of clubs allow students who have gender and sexuality questions to talk in a safe space with individuals that may be feeling the same way. Your guidance office may have more information on this. You can also visit to see if you can locate a support group near you that is not within your school.

    Lastly, there are tons of online resources available to provide you support and helpful information. If you are really feeling down and depressed, the Trevor Project may be a good place to start. They offer lots of online resources, a dedicated helpline, and social networking for GLBTQ concerns. Their website is

    If you would like to talk more about this or anything else, feel free to call 2NDFLOOR at 1-888-222-2228!


    • #3

      thank you,i'm just holding on to God (my faith). It makes me feel better!


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