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I feel upset, and heart broken

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  • I feel upset, and heart broken

    I am not one of those girls who are interested in middle school drama. I don't believe in it because you are wasting your body for someone you are not gonna see after senior year. So it is stupid. My parents, religion, and culture does not allow me to date or even have a guy friend. I can have a school guy friend, to only hang out with at school, but not coming over house and going out to the movies(as friends). So I just started 8th grade, and I have been crushing on him since 5th grade, well, a friendly crush. So i can tell those are not the hormones. Like I dont want romance, as I said in the beginning, but i want to be school best friends. Sadly, I am not popular, and at gym, he hangs out with couple of girls, and boys. I want to be there to. But he doesnt like me, probably because I am not likable. I feel heartbroken.

  • #2
    Well just because he is not hanging out with you does not mean you are not likeable. There could be many reasons why he doesn't spend time with you. Do you guys talk at all? Have you approached him? Has he said he is not interested in being friends or are you assuming that based on your own opinion? It's also difficult to say to someone that you want to be school best friends...most best friendships don't start off that way, they start off as friendships and as the people learn more about each other, they become better, and possibly at some point best friends. Maybe you're thinking too big and you should start off smaller by just trying to be friends with him. Talk to him about something you have in common, such as gym class or the teacher. Start small and work your way up to something bigger and who knows, maybe at some point your relationship will develop into school best friends. Call us anytime at 888-222-2228.


    • #3

      No, i have never started a conversation before. Like he just cheers me on when I am in a middle of a game. I knew him since 5th grade, and we used to occasionally talk, but i THINK that he thought I was wierd. I am an overthinker, and I go on by assuming. I have never approached him before, and probably I would never, and he never said anything to me that is negative. But I get so jealous, because he is in a clique with 3 other people, and I want to join too, but i cant. I only have to classes with him. i get butterflies, and i quickly walk away when he is next to me. How can I talk to him?


      • #4
        A good way to start talking to him would be to talk to him about your classes, start small by asking him for the homework assignment. The next day maybe you can start a conversation with him about the homework assignment you both completed the previous evening--whether it was hard or easy, etc. Eventually you will start to talk about school related issues less and more friendly-type conversations about sports and common interests, etc. Please feel free to call us anytime at 888-222-2228


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