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I need help with my situation..

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  • I need help with my situation..

    To start I have never been actually diagnosed with depression by a doctor but what I have been feeling these past couple of weeks and in the past year have all been easy to decipher symptoms. I've been having this wave of depression, sadness and suicidal thoughts enter my life during summer time since last year and it continues this year as well. I think what first sparked this change was when I dropped out of college my second year and didn't have the courage to continue at that point. I fell like a complete failure that has let my family down and I completely shut myself down to everyone including my friends. It makes me so I completely close myself off to all of my friends and family and I end up canceling plans abruptly with no warning just to be alone. I have no motivation to even find a job or work places. I put my phone on do not disturb most days and just rot away in bed. I am alone with my thoughts so much to the point where it was so overwhelming I think of suicide. Even with all of this happening recently I haven't told anyone how i feel within my family or even my friends. The worst part about all of this is I have plans to meet with friends soon and with me feeling like this I don't want them to see me like this. Its a huge plan with it revolving around my birthday and i dont want to cancel and be a huge selfish asshole but i feel like i have too. What should i do?

  • #2
    I am sorry you are going through this. It does sound like you need some support. i would highly recommend seeing a therapist as soon as possible. You should not have to feel this way, there is help for you. I understand that you don't want to tell your parents but don't you think they would want to know and help? Do you think they are wondering what might be going on with you? Please find a way to talk to them. I'm sure they don't think you're a failure. You also mentioned having suicidal thoughts. If you feel this way, please contact 2ndfloor or the National Suicide Prevention Helpline. Here is the number: (800) 273- 8255. Please reach out for support. Our number is 888-222-2228 and you can call or text.


    • #3
      hello, ive been diagnosed with mostly anxiety and depression, and right now i dont know what to feel, ive been feeling trapped and miserable, and i really feel alone now that ive moved away from ,my family. i dont know who to trust with my expressions right now, but all i can really do is cry.


      • #4
        Have you tried talking to parents about how you feel? Are you able to look into counseling? I encourage you to reach out if you aren’t in any counseling. You can use coping mechanisms in the mean time to help express yourself. Here is a resource You can call to talk to us at 888-222-2228 anytime.


        • #5
          Seeking help from a mental health professional, like a therapist or counselor, can be a crucial step. They can help you navigate fnaf game your feelings and work on strategies to manage and improve your mental health.


          • #6
            Seeking help from a mental health professional, like a therapist or counselor, can be a crucial step. They can help you navigate your feelings and work on strategies to manage and improve your mental health.


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