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Doubting Friend

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  • Doubting Friend

    My bestie is great but its really tiring when she has a low self esteem and then she put herself down and I have to text her everyday and tell her she is beautiful. Then she never asks how I am and when I ask her to help me, and I tell her my problem. But no she says that i'm fine and my problems aren't as bad as hers. i'm always the positive laid back person in the friend group, so they never question it when I look sad, they just think "Oh she looks hurt, whatever i'm probably imagining it." it would be nice if they actually cared, like i do.

  • #2
    I get how that would be upsetting, try and talk to your friend about how you feel. Everyone's life is equally important to them and should be considered that way. Maybe don't give as much if you feel that you are not getting it in return, not saying to be less caring but to just have self care first because you feel that you give and she takes.... that's not being a good friend to you. I hope talking to your bestie helps you and if you need to chat about this or anything please text or call 2NDFLOOR anytime at 888-222-2228.


    • #3
      I can be very frustrating to feel that you are putting more into a friendship than the other person is. It's important to express to your friend how you feel; she may not realize how frustrated you feel. Maybe she'll improve once she's aware of your feelings!


      • #4
        It can be frustrating when no one really takes what you say seriously just because of how you have acted before. You should let your friends know that when things happen you have a right to express your feelings. Sometimes your friends may not understand your frustrations and you just need to explain your feelings and then everyone can work together to be an even closer group of friends than before.


        • #5
          Hey! Glad you reached out! I agree with the previous replies, it sounds frustrating and sometimes just letting them know how that feels helps tremendously especially if they care about you. I'm a big fan of communication, communicating how we feel about something is the #1 way to get results. If you friend is capable of being there for you and she cares about you hopefully she will show up. However, keep in mind that some people,, if they are caught up in their own problems, have a hard time being there for you. You can gauge this by expressing what you need from them and see if they are able to fulfill them. Once you see how they respond, you will know how to gauge your expectations from them. If you know someone cant walk you wont expect them to walk and maybe you might need to turn elsewhere to find the support you are looking for. Hope this helps!


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